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186 Ec.f.u.: Ec .&.I. Ec.6.:.. Pr.17.14· Pt··• H· Eq, Jio Ec.t n. J:c.t,t6. Ec.a.9. Ec.~-4· Ec.J. i· Ec-16. Ec.1.7. Ec,1..8, C:1.n.i 9· CUI.J. IC. Ec.'!.; ,·. Ec. z..u.f. Ecos.n·.~ Ec-6.3 . Ec.6.6. Ec.n.r.' Ec. ll.J, Salomons 8thickf. LIB. I. for whmaJ theflc<pofhim thattravdleth is fweet, whether he eat little or much; A contrarily, The fatiety of the rich will not fuffer him tofleep; fo there is anevilllick. nelfe,which I have ften und<r the Sunne,riches referved to the owners thereof, for their evil!, and ofitr, #11 for their good: forthereisanother evill, which I havo feen under the Sunne,and it is frequent among men;A man to whom God bath given riches,and treafures, and honour, and hewanteth nothing for his foule, ofall it delireth; but God giveth him not powerro eat thereof; andifhe have thJI,Jtl how long? Riches mnaine not alwayes,buttaketh herro her wings as an Eagle, and tlitth to the heavens. Andfor th<ir owlftr, As he came forth ofhis mothers belly, he !hall return naked,to goe as hecame,and fl1all beare away nothi~ ofhis labour, which he eaufed topalfe by his hand: And this is alfo an evilllicknelle,that in all points as he came,!o !hall he goe:and what profit bath he,that he bath travelled for the wind~ B _) iRo7alty, (ofefiatt , ,. N . I Great atttndance, , . ;. ot rn <( m~gnijicmce I P' 1 . i •••mg, l ofworkt, Gathtrilfg Treafom, . Bl<ilding,&c. N 01 in honour and magnifiunct.T the Preacherhave been King over Ifrael in Je· rufalem,and I was grear,and increafed above all that wero before me in )eru- C falem,••hleh alfo I fhe.,edin tjfeH;for I made mr great works, I built mehoufes,Iplanted meVineyords,l made_me Gardens, and Orchards, and planted in them Trees ofall fruits; I made me pones of"latetl tp water therewith the woods thar grow wi<h trees; I got men fe rvancs, and maids, and had children born in the houfe; alfo I had greatpolfdlions of beeves, and fheep, above all that were before me in le· ruf, )em; I gathered to mealro filver and gold,and the chieletreafures of Kings and Provinces; I provided men. fingers,and Women-fingers;and tl1e delights of the fons of mt;n,muficall conforrs ofall kinds. Yea, I King Sa/omln mademy fdfa Palace of the trees of Lebanon;! made the pillars th.errofoffilver, and the p3vem<nt thereof ofgold;the hangings tht~eof ofpurple, whofc mids was paved with the love oftbe daughters of Ifrad:ThenI looked on all my wo,ks that my hands' lh d wrought, (as D who is the man that will compare with the King in things which men now have done! )and on the travdl that I laboured to doe;and behold,all is vanity, and vexati· on offpirit;and there is no profit under the Sunne. ' rctrtain end, § 4· Ling lift andj onp~rfe8 f"tisfothon, ijf•t rt)tfl,d,f•i\ . ' • 1 rememhr~nctAnd &lflttnUtflfCI . l •fflarkneffr. Not in long llje,indpltnltoUJ if!•<:f~r Ifa man beget an hundred children,and E live many yeares,and the dayes ofhis yeares be multir-lyed, and his foule be ·nor fati<fied with goodthings, and he be not buried , •ffay, thar ~n 1imdy fruit is better then he,For he commeth·inro vanity,and goeth into darkoelfe ' and-his name flJOII be covered with darknelf<: Alfo, he hathnot feen the Sunne ; n'ilrknown it1thercfore this hath more reil then the other: And ifhchiid lived a tho,ufand yeares twice told, and had feen no good1fhall not all goe to one place~ and h,..fower, the light furcly is a plc:afamthing,and it is good for theeyes to fee theSun; yet though a man livemany yeates,and in them all he rejoyce; if he !hall rtmembe{the d~yes of datbelfe,becaufe they are many;andall tharcommeth, isVanity. .J I '· -