Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

LrB. I. Felicity. .. ~h••ghbttttrthenf•HJ.I §. 5, Knlwltdgt txptritll<t, tl rtjtlltd,Mp"•{intlijfmntJ •f wtnls, ' imperftClim. Not in /tuning ,•ndh•m•ne lrnDwletlge. I have given my heart to fearchao~ find. E<.•·•J; · outwifdomcin all things that are done underthe heaven, (this' fore travell bath God given the fonncJ of men to humble them thereby) JtA;I thought in mine heart and faid,Bchold,I haye amplified and increafed wifdome,above all them E<.>.>f. that have be<n beforemee, in tl)t CDurt ••" uni<~trjity •!Jc r~falcm , and mine heart B bath feeo m~ch wifdome and kn?wledge:for (whe'! l w.u •t_the "!ildejl) my wifdofl!e .,.,_ 9 ; lrcmained w1th me: Then Haw mdced,thatthere1s profit mmfdomc more thenm folly,as the light ismore excdlent then darkneffe: For the wife-mans eyes arc in his •'-' \'I· head,butthefoole walketh in darkneffc:bYt yet,I k.now that the fame condition fa!- Ec., •••: leth tothemall.Then I thought in mine hean,Ic befJlleth to me as it befalle.th to the E<.,,,,, ioo\e;wby therefore do I labour to be more wife!for what bath the wife-man more then the took! There !hall be no remembrance ofthe wife, nor ofthe foole tor ever: Ec.6.t . ·,for that that now i•, in thedayes to come !hall be forgctten;and how di<th the wife· r,.,.• 6. man! as doth the foolc: Btfides tht imptrftai•n•ft~e fejllrnDJPidge;tor the eye is not fatisfied with fe<ing,nor the earefilled with bearing: I :bought I would be wife, but Ec.u. it went farre from me1 it is farre off, what may it be! and it is a profound dccpneffe, E' · 7·'f· C who can find it! J<ii,Ji fAr is itfrim gi<~ing tDnltntmetJt, th•tin the multitude otwif. •'·'·' '· dom'eis much griefe,and he thatincreafcth knowledge,increa~eth farrow. LAj/IJ ,n•t ;,. "'1 h•••ne thing: for I have confidered all the works that are done uo- E<.>.u. derthe Sunne1and behold,all is vanity and vexation offpirit, § 6. Whtrtill Felicit1 is,{Lift, . 11 G1ti. Fr~m hmt< . I DJ, t . Jn•ptrwing•ilr fthm {Fil<~lur, . BlejJing, Prefer<~Atiln, Pnj}eritj. LDuglift.&c. Vv, Elm in i'htn d11h it mlfifl ? Let us heare the end ofall, Fearc God,-and keep his Commandemeots;for this is the wholeofMan,rhewhole d•tJ, the whole fo•pe,tht whole h.jpintf[e.Jir Life is in the wayofrighte 0 uf. nell'e, and in that path there is no death;ua •tttntimg thtrt~n; all Blelliogs are upon the head ofthe righteous. W1oldtjl ih1u hA<It fov••rl Agood mangetteth favour of the Lord.!iy/ The righteous !hall fing and rejoyce;:•ndfurely toaman that is good in his fight,God giveth wifdome and knowledge & joy; fothat,the light of the righteous rejoyceth,brit the candle of the wicked !hall be putout. Pre{irv•tiln and deli. v erance? Loe, the righteous is an everlafiing foundation; for the way ofthe Lord is E ftrength to the upright man, (I .u the righteous !hall never beremoved;.OnJ ifhe he in tr~•ble;Riches avail riotin the day ofwrath;buttighteoufnclfcdelivereth from death, fo the righteou~ !h~ll come out ofadverfiry,a~defc:ipe out oftrouble, and .the wic. ked Outr comemh1s ftead ; thm wtrj "''1 R1ghteoufneffe prcferveth the ;upright in hem. Proj}triiJ •nd ~t~<Aitb ? The houfe of the righteous !hall have ll)uch trcafure, ,. and his tabernacle !hall flourifh.LDilg life/The feare ofthe Lord increafeththe daics; 1 andn11•~ly himfilfe,but his houfetliall !land. And though a linnet doe evill an hun. dred times,aod God prolong hisdayes, yet knowI tha> it fuall be well to them that ' fcarethe Lord, and doe reverence before him.At~J I•JIIJ,wlr.rfower g11d! God will grant the defire of the righteous, and he that keepeth the Law, is bleffed. Ec-~ 1..1j; Pr,t:Ool <f; Pr-11·19· Pr.to.6. Pr, ta.a. Pr.1 9 .6. Ec.a.. 1,, Pr.•1·9· P t . JO,lf. Pr. 10.19 , P t . IO,jO. Pr.u ..._: Pt.U. IJ• Pr.u.l. PtoiJ .i , Pr., f.6, Pr. , 1,u . Pr. to.t 1 , Pr.tl, 7 , Ec.l.u. Pt.Jo . 1 .,... Pt,S9 . t8.