E ET H CKS. THE SECOND BOOKE. P 1\._VV E :f\( CE. 5 Wherein it mfijleth. §.r. OfYertllt:.lWh.mhy;,;. rNleda11d dirtlltd, ErttttcDnjijls in the"'""' ; vice in extremes. Let thywayes bee ~'<.4. ,6• ordered aright; Turne not to the right hand, nor to the Iefr, r•., .• 7 • burremoverhyfoorfromevill; Thert~leovhereofu G•dsL•w : P 6 for the commandement is a lanteroe, and inllrut!iona lighr;and , r;:,:;'.' 1 : every word of God is pure, My fonne,hearken to my words,in. ' '•.po. dine thineeare to my f.1yings; let them not depart from thine P,.,.,. eyes,but keep them in the midll ofthine heart. For they are life p,, ,.,. unto thofe that find them,and health unto all their llefh. Keep my commandemenrs, and thou lbalt Iive,and mine inllrut!ion as the apple ofthine eye: Bind them upon p, 1 ,,. thy fingcrs,and write them upon_the Table ofthine heart. r •. 7 . ; . . . f• ice ~ Pmdence, All Y trtse 11 tzthtr T'fmpe~anct, Fmitude. f .. > h' h {Wifdomt, 1. 0 Pr~HJtnCt: w tc Pl~videnct] mnprebtTids Difcrttion, 1Dtjiripti~t~, KnowleJge, . ~~· OfWifdome;the is .1: {fr•, ftsnt , E{ftlls, '''17• f mnjudgt1'11t nt. ll procurtt d d ' n· 5J•r~lli•nt, G'D 1Ttc-l lln1_for wlrdJ. LWtAith,HD»DUf,Lift. The