Ec 1..14. EC.IO. l., Pr.t-48. Pr.9,Jl." Pr.] . I3· Pr,J.14· Pr.t6.t6. Pr.;.ts. Pr.p6. Pr+l7· :Pq.S. pr,If.l4i Pr.t8.t5• Pr-9.1. Pr.JO,J4, Pr.r;.t6. Pr.t4.1S. Pr.t.. tO. Pr.:..l lo Pr. :,. u. Pr.l..IJ , Pr.1fo14, Pr.8; ::.o, Pr. t6.t.J. Pr.Jo. tz, Pr.t9.l f. Pr.S.:t.t . Ec.l.u. pr. l-J S· Pr.t6.u. Pr.8.31:. Pr..... s. Pr.,. . .s. Pr.47· Pr.4.8. Pr,-4 9· Ec.S. f~ Ec.8.6. Ec.8·7· Pr.10. 1..j.o Pr. l.loj • Pr.j o. s,S• Ec·ll+ Salomons Bthickf. L 1 a.ll. 1 THe prudent manis he,whofe eyes are in his head t• fit aO things,amllljorefu: A I and whofe heart is at his right hand 11 dotAOdtxtmuJIJ, and wit!. judg,mnt. Wifdome dwelswith Prudence,and findethfotth knowledge; and counfds. vtndto dt{cribt it: The wifdome ofthe Prudent is to undedbnd his way; hu onm: If thou be wife thou fhalt be wife forthy felf: An tx<tlltnt vtrtut,for Bleffed is the man that finderh wifdome,aod gerrerh underllanding : The merchandize thereof is berrerthen filver and the gaine thereofis bemr then gold : Ir is more precious then pearles, and ~11 the things that thou canll ddire , are nor robe compared to her. Length ofdayes is in her right hand;and in her left hand rit hes and glory.Herwayes are wayesofplea{ure,and all her paths profperiry : She is a tree of life to them that lay holdon her, and bl<ffed is he that rccciveth her. Tht fruits of it art fingul.r: for jirjl, Awife hearrdorh notont!Jfttk, bur get knowledge, without which the mind is B not good:and the eare ofrhe wili-,le2rning: Andn01gtt it only ,but lay it up,amlNOt fi only,but works by it: and7tt more,is crowned with ir,Jitflliet kn•,.ledge, here i; fofi•J· When wifdomc enrrerhmto rhy heart, and knO\vkdge delighreth thy foule, then fhall counfdl preferve theo,~nd underllanding!lnll keep thee; and deliver thee from theevill way, and from the man that fpeakcrh froward things, and from them that leave the waycs ofrighrcoufoeffe, to walk in the wayes ofdarkneffe: aMd 44 from fi"· fo fr•"' judgement. The way oflifcis on high,the prudent to avoid from hell beneath. Thirdly ,gooJdtrtflion. t. For atlions :Wifdomc caufeth towalk in the way ofrighteoufncffe,and in the mids ofthe paths of judgement. 2. Forwrrds, The heart ofthe wife guideth his mouth wifely, and adderh dothine to his lips: S~thatthe words of themouth ofawifcman have grace: 1'", ht rmivts gr•ce fi•m 11hers. Either in- C firutlorreproverhePrudent, and he will undcrlland knowledge. Not tofJ•-*•f wealth: fhccaufcth themthat love her,ro inherit fubllancc,and filleth theirtreafures: fhe glveth not only honcur: f.r the wifdome ofa man doth make his face to !hine, and the wife manfhall inherit glory; hut life: Uaderftanding is awell-fpring oflife, to him that bath it: and he that findeth meC{aith Wifd•me) findcth life, and !l~all obtain favour ofthe LOld.whmfore get wifdome:get underfbnding:forger not, neither decline the words ofmy mourh.Forfake her not,and fhc fhall keep thee: love her, and fhe fhall prefervethee. Wifdomcis the beginning : get wifdomc therefore, and above all poffellions gct under!landing: Exalt her, and fhe fhall exalt thee: She fhall bringthee unto honour, ifthou embrace her: fue fhall give a goodly ornament ro thine head: yea, fhe fhall give thee a Crownofglory. D t WhAtjhtil, §. 3· ofProvidenm WhathtrobjeEis, What herejfeas. P llovidtnce ilth41 whereby the heart ofthewife fore·knoweth the time, and judgement;tht ti•t when llwiU be;rbe judgement ,,,,.ilwi/1be done: both which arc appointedto every purpofc under heaven:Not that"""""fort-fee .a ft•tllrt 1hin$s: No,he knoweth nor thar,rharfhall be;For who cao tell him when it !hall be~ not J• much 44 <111mning hi•{tift. Neither dorh man know his time, but as the fifhes arc takenwith an cvill ner,and as the birds which are caught in rbe fnarc; fo arc the E children ofmen fnarrdin the evill time, when it falleth on rhemfuddenly; yea, the llcps of,a man arc ruled by the Lord ; how !bould a man then underlland his own way? B•t (omttlmts he .may : '!he pru~en~ man feerh the p~ague afarrc off, and flecrh: •nla<forgOidthmgs, WuhrhcPifmlfe heprov1derh hiS meat in Summer 1 JPirking fliOamrliing to fordno..ledge ; Jtl nlltoojlril11y , and fwefoOJ: for he that obfervcth thewind Otall not fow; and he that regardcth the clouds, Oull nor rcap. ·