~ ' ' Prude'r;('e.· ,. 193 ---- A I ' ~Whatitit. • §. 4· ofJifcrttion : ~fir eor •l1i, ' What it worktth for dorffmhtt. Dlfortti~• u th•t.,.htttby aman is wife in his bufioe!fes,.•na' .. btrt"J the heartof Pr.r6.so. Pr,t,,1l· thewife guideth his momh wtfcly, and addeth doetnnc to hts hpss For allt- Pr.t.,.ts. mn Thepr~dent willco.nlider hisft~ps, .. d,dtchoia ofhis timts :fir To EC·l· I• Ec.J.J.. all things there is an appointed ume; and a ~une for eve'J. pur~o~ under heave~; a Ec. )·1•-t· timerp planr,and a time to pluck up.that whtchls plantc ; a n~e t? flay, a.n~ a tli':e Ec+8• t to healc &c. a rime ofwarre andaumc of peace :fromhmre 11 /.<thAt the wtfc man ts Pr.J.1.f• ftrong :ndrich: for by kno\~ledge lhall the chambers be fild witf> prrcious things, Pr.14-1-twhich lJt kno•m how,. empl•J wtf!: The crown ofthewife istbdr riches ; f"m hence Pr.l).tf. · that his good uoderlhodingmaketh him ~ccepta~le 11o1hm. Forjpmbu; The tongue Pr.tf.:.. ofthewife uf<:th knowledge aright, andtnthe hps of Inm that hath underftandtng, Pr.lo.r;· Pr.to.a . wifdome is found; and his words have grace, b~th r. fir the fi4{inabluuffi, A word f'f,l.Solto fpoken in his place, is like apples ofgold with pietu~esof filver: and howg0od.is a Pr.lf.13• word in due feafon ! •· for the "!mhofthr"!: The hps of knowledge are .a prwo~s Pr.:.o.11. Pr.14-3- jewel!: I•JIIy for their Nje:The hps of the wtfelb>ll prefcrve thcm,andthm tongue IS Pr.uo~S. health,•nds•ithhea/th,pleafure:Fairc words arc as an honey-combe;fweem~!fe to the Pr.t6,1'fo foul, and health to the bones. c rVtr·IPi{e, §. 5· The (Whsheit : extrtmu, I What kiTJdts~The metrfool, Fo•lifo,l thtrtbe Therafofool. ofF~Dis; Thewicktdfool. \ What fomffi. HEre .re'"'' txtrt/llts:on the right h•nd;Make not thy felfe over.wife,where. Ec.7: tore lbouldeft thou be defolatc~ on the lrfi: Neither be foolilb;why lhouldeft £c7. 1 9~ Pr.:.1.16, thou pcrilh,nor in thy time~ The foole, is t!J•t Mm rhar5vandrerh out of the Pr.17.16. D \V ayofwifdome, which bath none heart, t/;.e is, is deftituteof ·uqderftandinf,"eithu Pr.lf.J.. tuonuive, "to doe" heonght: ofwhich fort is, 1. The meer foole; That loole who Pr.r4.1.4. when hegoeth by the way,his heart failerh;whofe folly is foolilboefs,in whofe hand Jlr.17. r6. rhereis a pricein vain to get wifdome,wkith is too high fdr him toatt•int; l•JIIy , io P.r.::+7• Pt, l9o10o whom «re not the lips ofknowledge. 2. Thtr•fo foole, thatis ha!ly in'his matters, Pr.t9.11. that powrerh outall his mind at once: whlch the wife mankeeps in, rill afterward; Pr.19.1. t[J(lt ha~t)l_with hi! feet, And thmfore(inntth. There·is more hope of the other fool 1'r.19.t0, Pr.1.7 . thenof ini-3- The wickedfo•le; That defpifeth wifdome and in!lruction,th"t maketh Pr.t+·9· a mock of !in; to whom it IS an abomination to depart from evill; to whom foo!ilb. Pr.q.tJ. Fr.r 5 , 11 . neffe is ioy;ytA,it is his paftime to doe wickedly; and his prallice to fpread abroad Pr.t0-1J. folly. Ani this man is ~hjlinAttin his cour(ts;for though thou bray a foole in a mort er Pr. tJ, t6. E among whear,brayd with a pe!lell,yer will'not his foolilbndfe depatt from him: anJ P t,:z.J. l.:&., though it Jeem,. dtp.,t , yrt as a dog turneth againe to his vomit , fo retmnes he to Pr.:.6.u, his toolilhne!fe. Spart thy lahofl7' tbmforc, fpcak not io the caresofa foole; foe bee Pr.13.9· will defpiferhe wifdome dfthy words.Tothcfef•ith Wi(d•me, 0 ye foolilb,hoiV loifg will ye love foolilhne!fe,and the fcornfull take pleafure in fcorning, and fooles hate Pr. 1.11, knowledge~ Turn you at my correCtion. Loe, I will powre out my mind unto you, Pr.1.:.; ._ and make you nnder!land my word,. Becaufc I have called, and yee refufed; I h>vc llretched out my hacd,and none would regard;but ye h>Ve defpifcd all my counfell Pr: t ,Sf, and would none ofmy corretlion; I will alfo laugh at your deftruetion, ond mock Pr,J.1f, when your feare commerh,like fudden dcfolation; and your deftru6lion lhall come Pr.r·l'·· like awhil le-wind; when afllietion and anguilb lball come upon you. Then lball l_)J.L17· P r.t. 1S. they call upon me,bur Iwill nor anfwer: they lhall fe<k me early, bur they lball not P r. t .19-~ s . fi~ . -