Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Salomons ethickf. L I B.II. ;-- find me; becaufe they hat(d knowledge, and did notcbufe the feare ofthe Lord; A p~::::~: they would none ofmy counfdl, but defpifcd all my corrc6lion;thcrcfore lhall they I P•.••·'l· cat ofthe frnitofthdrown way, and be lilkd with their own devices : •nd what iJ ::'"' ·'· thAt fruit hut Jimwl Even in laughing their heart is forrowfull; and the<nd ofthat ... :~~:;~· mirth is heavinefi'c: and like the ooife ofthornes under a pot, fo (jhm •na v•lnt) p,.••.t,to. is thelaughter offooks: J:JhAt6•t:flripts l Arod thall he for the hack ofhim that is p,,,1 .,.. dc!lituteofunderlbnding: 1••, lt il P"P" to him: To theborfc bclongeth a whip,to P<.to.u . the A!fe a bridle,and a rod tothe fooles bacbvhert,.ith 1111 ~nly himftl(thall be bea- "'·"·'6· ten,but the companion offooles thall he aflli6led. Lani•"'b•t ~ut tleat6l Foolos thall p t.lO, l+• d ~· die for want ofwit, an remaine in the congregation o the dead: 1•• the mouth of Pr.r.J ~· the foole is prefent ddl:ruetion; t~•d, The lips ofa foolc (hall devoure himfdfe, ~~nJ th•l which fb••ltl {it1nt 11 preforv.e him, ver7eafe fiayetb the foolith, and the profpcri. B ty offooles deftroyeth them. ' "' .. .. ·- 17 I '" ' SALO~ ' .. r r ' ' ' ' ' ' . I I . ' r{l '· ' ,.n .. ) .. . ,,