SALOMONS ETHIC KS, Jf7S'TICE. ~Ftare, (1'• G1d Pi<tiu: Honcur and \ whkhcompr<hmds rt(}<fl, C• 1 Obttlttncr. ) \ ( Fidclitit. uflice ivrs I ' lnwmfl. J glb'•nan~Truth) '::;~ .."1 ·I ~ In deAiingt . I ~Lovr~ { Mcrcy. I Othtrs, I ) LrbcraltiJ. ~Tom•~only,') C: Our (elves; DtJi,.tnct irJ our vD&411DIIs. r I, of luj/ice ingtnerAU. E _ §. 1'~ {whatitis, ~a. Oftht {tart<[ God, {Prt{<nt. wh4t frr~iu it hAth FNture• .¥1 :. prodmce, is Iuf/i:t, A man of underllandingwalketh uprightly: The jull man, thtref~rt, is herhat waiketh in his imegricy ; and whofe path is to decline lrom~il!;.uJd britf/y, he rhat deals truly in giving each hisomn. Wh<thtr 11 God; snll whom Iu.ftict tha6tngeth Pittit:fl>hi<h e~mprth<~Jds, fir.ft,the feare oftheLord;andthis feare of the Lord is to hare ~ill, as pride,arrogan- -cy,and rhe evill WlY; and in all our wayesto acknowledge God; that hemay diretl S > our •f.Jc.:nour'od 0 bcdiencc: arc iudecdmixc:J doric~ of Ju~ flicc both eo God and mm: but bccaufc :u chcybclongto m~n,thcyarc poliricknr· cuci:'lndt~rc blrxllcd,hc:rc: we confider 1hc.nonlyas due to God. Pr. t,-.u. P io10,7. Pr.t6.17. Pr. J::,,l z.. E.c.S . t~ . Pr.3.6.