Pr.q.:. Pr.1,7. Pr.1~·H· Pr.1,7. Pr.IJ·B• Pr.:..3. Pr.:.<f. Pr.:.s. Pr.1 5 .t6. Pr.:j.tS. Pr.t1>16. Pr·3·7• Pr·3·8· Pr. 19.:q: Pr.q•!J, Pr.t8,t 4 . Pr.Jo.9. Pr.:~.8.t4. Pr •·9· Pr.J.IO, Ec.u. t . Pr.r.B . Pr.<f .t O. Pr.4.:.1. Pr.Jo 17. Pr. :.B-9· Pr-:.8.7. Pr. 18.4. Pr.19·11, EC.S·~ · Pr.:.O.lf. r r . J l..l.!· rr. :.8. Io . f"Ll.8•10· \~~r/'/7 1~·. Pr.:.7.~· ~ Salomons Ethick.f. L I 11.I. ur waytsfo that, he charwalkcrh in his righteoufndfe,fearerh theLord; bur he that A lewd in his waycs, defpiferh him: 01hichgract,.u it is the beginning of knowledge, ndrhe very infirutlion ofwifdomc,fo infome refptll kno.,/tdge lltht htginnmgofit; r Ifthou calldl after knowledge, and cryeft for undcrfianding1ifrhoo feekdl her as filver,and foarcheft for her as mafur<s; then !halt thou under£land the feare of the Lord, and find theknowledge ofGod1 and thiJ fearegivts both contmlmiiJJ 1 Better is little with the fcareof the Lord, then great rrcafurc and trouble therewith 1 and •· fj:ture hope. Fearc rhc Lord continually: for furdy there is anmd, and thy bope !IJJll not be cur off. In rt~hich regard, This fcare ofthe Lord is an affured firengrh,to dtpmd upon; beca•fi his children !hall have hope,yeaaml prtjinJ htalth andjoy.Fcar the Lord, andllcparr from evil!, fo health !IJa!l be to thy naveJI,and marrow to thy bones :and with hCdlth life tttrnaU. The fear of the Lord lcadcrh to lifc,yta is a wcll-fpringth<re- B of, and he that is filled therewith, !hall continue, and !hall nor be vifitcd with evil!; fo that Blc!fcd is the man that fcareth a[way:rt~htre.uontht contr.ry,Hcrhar hardcncth his hearr,and denies God, and faith,Who is the Lord~3nll fall ioro evil!. 5In thtbtjl things. ~Honollr(INthe btjltimts. §. l. ~ln attendiNg on hiJ wiU. , o6tdiencr: In ptrf•rrningit. HOnour andrtfptl11bothfrom th• he.fl things.- Honour the Lord with thy riches, and rbe fir£\ truirs ofall thy incrcafe1fo !hall rhy barnes be filled with abundance, and thy prclfcs !hall burll with new wine: andin ••r btft timu 1 Re· member now thy Creator in the dayes ofthy yourh1 while the evil! dayes come nor, nor the yeercs approach,wherein thou !halt fay,! have no plcafurc in them. c Thirdly, obedience. He that obeycrh me, !hall dwell fafely, Cfaith wifdomt) and be quiet from fearc of cvill:whethtr in atttndAnet ID tht wiU•fGod; My fonne,hcarken to my words,inclinc thine care unto my fayings; Let them nor depart from thine des, bur keep them in the rnidfi ofthine heart: for, He that regardeth iufirutlion, is in the wayoflifc;A>htrt«J he rharrurnerh away his care from it, his very prayer !hall be D ahominable;or in txecntinz •fit .- He thatkccpcth the commandement, is a child of undcrfianding;Jt• he is blelfcd, and thereby kecpcth his owne foule: .,hm they that for fake the Law,praifc the wicked: And he rhardcfpifcth his waycs,Otall die. ~'TIGIIII ~In perfcrmATICtsl §. 3 Fidtlitit To man. lnfaithf•U reprooft. OR r~~htthtr ID God And man. r.Fiddity: h<th,ftrft in ptrforming th•twe have ••- 1 1trtaken.- If thou have vowed avow to God,deferrc nor to pay it; for he de· E ligh«th not in fooks;pay therefore that thou hall vowed ; It is better that thou lhouldcfi norvow;then that thou lhouldcfi vow, and nor pay it: Suffer nor thy mouth to make rhy Ac!h to finne; Neirhor fay before the Angel!, that this is ignorance: Wherefore fhall God be angry by rhyvoycc, and ddhoy the work of thine hands~ For, It isdcfirutlion to~ ma~,to dcvourethar which is !antlified, and after the vowes to inquire. Ntithtr thiJ to Godonly.brttiDmAn, They that deale rruly,are his ddighr; and the upright llllll inherit good things: yra, The faithfull man o,n a1 bownd in ble!lings;whtrt.u the ptrjidioll4 m•n, .u hewrongs othtrs lf•r <':onfidence in I an unfaithful! man in rime oftrouble, is like a broken tooth, 311d a fliding foor)ji he g•imthnot in the end,him{tlf, He that rewardeth cvill for good, evil! !hall not depart from his houfc. 2. In - - --