Juflice. A z. In J faith{uO rtpro•f:Open rebuke is better then fecrcr love: Thewounds ofa P<.,7 .6. lover ore faith(ull,and the kiffes ofan enemy are pleafant,hur falfo: fo ,,., he that re- h proverh,llull find more thankarrhe la_ft: and h•we•rHnhe fcorner take it,ytt he rhot i::::::::: reproverh the wife and obedient care, 1s as a gold eare-nng, and an ornamentoffiae gold. · (The qMality. 1 ~16himfeifi. ThefrMit 1 l ID Dthtrt. ~- 4• TrMII~ in wlrds: I I. sUes, ·J "lstander. JTheoppoftw l ~Dijfimu/.rio!i, ,\,'!' Flatttry. HEthatfpeoketh truth,wlllfl\ew righteoufneffes: Whmin? A faithful! Witodfe ddivercrh foules: bur a deceiver fpeaketh lies; A vtrtue •fnufm•O importAnce: for Doarh and Life are in the hand ofrhe tongue ; and as a man C loves,he fl1<1! eat the fruit thereof, to g1od,or cviO; llhhwfelfi, others: Him{t/ft, A ~holefome ton~;ue is as a Tree of life,aod the lip ofrrmh fh•ll be !!able forever: o- . thm, The tongueofthe ju!lman is as finedfi!ver, and the lips of the Righteous doe feed many: thtrt{m Buy the truth,aod fell it oot;M th•(t doewhlcheithtr r.lye, •·fl•n· der, 3·diffemble,., 4-Jiatttr. ~His fofbiw, §. 5• The lytr His manifefl41iln, His p•nifbmwt. •'' I o ')r) AFairhfull witndfewill not lie,but a falfe record will fpe<!t lies. Of thofe fix, D yea,!C:ven things thor God haterh,rw• are A lying tongue, •nd a falfe wirnetfe that fpeaketl>lies; F 11 fi~eb a•ne mocketl1 at. judgement, and his mouth fwallowes up iniquity,Jt4a f.1lferongue hateth the alllided. He ilfoaneptrceived;for alying tongue varieth incontinemly: •nJ whtn lit is f••nd, A falfe wunetfe !hall not be unpuni01ed, and be that fpeaketh lies, Oull not efcape; fort he lyin~ lips are abomination to the Lord, therefore a falfe wicoe!Te !hall perifh: and whDJitits him? Such a one is a hammer, a fword,a !harp arrow to his neighbour; he dewveth with his lips, and faith, I will doe to him as hehathdone to me. Two things thm have! re· quiredofth<e, d<ny methemn6tuotillldie,&c. Remove farre from me vani:y, and !yes. Let me be a poor man rather then alyer. E . ~whAt his~· in mift~lrl~,t ~xtr~ife, tn unJ~Alma e §.6. 7hefianderer: me »g, w/;~tt hil tRUttAitJmtnt.. I' (. THis wicked mso diggeth up evil!, and in his lips is like burning fire ; He !hut. reth his eyes to dev1fc wickedndfe: he moveth his lips and bringeth evil! to p~ff(:AnJ either heinvcnttth-ill Tttm4Nrs; {\ righteQus man hat~th I.ring words: ~m thewiCked cauferh Oander and fhame; or _tlfi iJt """'P'"' he w11l bee fool•ll>ly medling,••dgoeth about difcovering fecrcts ; (where lie that is of a faithfull ,heart, concealeth matt:rs)•nd h] tbil me~nes TAi{tth difcord. Without wood the fire s ~ Pr.a.17: Pr, t-4,:.5. Pui.,.r: Pr.tf.<f. Pr.t:.. t 9 .' Pr.to 10. Pr.Jo .a1, Pr. z.J . z.J. Pr,r+ f• Pr-6. 16. Pc.6.17. Pr.6.J 9 . Pr.t9. ~g. Pr,16.:z.8~ Pr.u. 19 • Pr, I!J-S· Pr.Jz..u. . Pr.:z.J.:S, Pr. 2. s. 1s . Pr.t+l8~2.9• Pr.i0·7· Pr. 1o.8. Pr. t9 •ll. Pr. 16.:. 1 . Pr.t6.JO. Pr.1 1 . 5 . Pr.:.o.J• Pr.It. I l • Pr.16,10, Pr.t8. 8.