198 r Salomom Ethicfl..:. L IB.I. ~ is quenched: and without a tale. bearer, ftrife ceafcth;{~r the words of a talc-bearer A !c,7.:J, ar<as f!atterings, and goedowne into thebowtlsofthe belly: thmfore,u on the ~ne PC.Z.f·13• fide thou maycft not give thine heart eo all that men fpeak ofthee, left thou heare thy'fervant curling thee;/1 on the ~ther n1 nuntenance n~uft k given 11 f•th: for As the North-winddrivcsaway rainc;fo dothan angry countenance the flandcring tongue. · [mANdoll4, [Tht d~mhleriJ~vAin-glori•m, J fotirtfciNdts, ~DVtll114, 1mptmtent. §.7 ~ r hin~Jilft. B M f•«tffi lTht jlmmr1 to hiJ friend. '-hilflmedie. Pr.,JO.J8. T"' jlandmr Anddiffimbler g~t tot,tther: He that di!l'cmbleth hatred with lying lips,and he that inventcth fi>ndcr,is afool; There il the.. maliciD114 tliffimbler: Pr.:6.:4. He that hateth,will counterfeit with hislips,and in his heart he layerh up de· ccit;fuch ont,thoughhe !peak favourably,bdeeve himnot; for there are fevenaboPr.:~.6.:z.y. minarions in his heart Hatred may becovered with deceit,but the malice therofthal Pr-16,:6. (41 /•f/)be difcovered in the congregation. T.htrt iJ av•in-gforiom diffimhttr,that maPr,I~·7• kcth himfclfe rich,aod is poor: And3. a covtlltM .-There is that makes himfelfe poor, Pr.IJ•7• having great riches: •nd this bDth 1./n bATgains:itis naught,it is naught, faiththebuy- c rr.:~.o.:z.i· Pr.q.6. er: but when he is gone apart,he boafteth; •nd '• In his cntmainment; The man that Pr.z.1-7• bath an cvill eye: as though he thought in his heart, fo will hefay to thee , Eat, and drink,but his heartis not with thee .lAj/IJ,'"imptnittnt; He that hideth his fins thall Pr.:.S,IJ, not profper:but he that confdfeth ondfmfaketh them, thall havemercy. The flatterer flr.n.•<t · praif<th his friend with aloud voice,_ri fing early inthe ':'or~ing:but with ..h•t {•m~? Pr.:.9.1· To him[elf: It thall be counted to h1m for acurfc:To hu fm1Jd.- Aman that flattereth his n<ighbour, fpreadeth anetlfor hislleps;h< f}rt•deth ani f4tcheth: F1r a flattering Pr :.6.:.8. mouthcoufctb ruine. The 1nl1 rtmtd]tht•il: Meddle not with him that flattereth Jlr.:.o.r,. with his lips: for It is better to hearethe rebukeofwife men, then the fong offuols. Ec·7·7· {T•d•tri,tht, D ~Prol7ius, ,.;tb j•J· §. 8. Truth i~ dealing..- ..hmln;, thetrot dulm {G1ds fovt, R.,arJ, G10dm<m<riaU. Pr·ll ·l· THe uptightne!l'eofthe juft thall guide them,ond direa their way; ..hich is ePr.u.s. v<r plain and ftrcight:nohmM theway ofothers is perverrcd,and llraogc.Tta, Pr.tf·'9• .ss to do juflice and judgement is more accept:~ble(ro the Lord)then focrificc; Pr.u.S fo it is a joy to the jufl himfilfe, to doe judgement:all bis labour therefore tendcth to Pr.:u.~. Jife,he knowcth the caufeofthe poore, and will have care ofhis foule : His work is Pr.H.1f• Pr.ro.l6o ri(\ht,ncithcr intendeth he anJ. cvillagainft his neighbour;feeing he dwelleth by him Pr.:.9·1· Without fear: and,.hatl•(tth e b~ thil? Asthe trucbalance,ond thl: weighrare of the E Pr.19.10. Lord,and all theweights ofthe ag are his work: S1 God loveth him that followeth Pr.:.r.8. Pq.:.9- righteoufne!l'c: •na ,.ithmen. The 'righteous is more excellent then his neighbour: Pr.J,,llo 4nd !letter is the poore that walketh in his uprightnoffe, then he that petverrcth his Ptol~·9• l'r,r::.. 16. waycs, though he be rich. Teafin•lly, The memorilll ofthe·jufl thall be blelfed. Pr.:.8.6. Pr.2.0.7· Co/oortd, (Thtkiodes~ {Pri'll•le, . ~ Dirtll §.9. Dewt· Publilte. I \.The judgementattendiog it. Contrar!