Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Jujlice. 199 A--c--o-,.-t-,.-,-,-,,- t--:h'"'u-u-:- . d--=,-c-,i.,-t.-.,-.h;ther iu col•••: As he that faincth himfe!fcmad, ~ cafterh firc.brand•,arrowcs 2nd mortall thingsfi dealeth the dcceitfull man, P· 6 and faith, Am I not in (port~ As this deceit is .mthe heartof them that ima- ··• ·•· B gine eviU: fi in their hAflds Art Divers weights; and dtvers balances: .rdJrttlly, He "'·"·'•· that is partner with arh.eefe, haterh bisowne foulc, •nd d•ngeroM4 arc the wayes of ~;::;:::: him that is greedy ofgainc;much mmP•klikely, I h1vc fecn the .Pla~c of Judgement, :;· •.••· where was wickcdndfe; and rhcplacc of jufbc<, where was mtqmtv: Ithought tn • · l - 6 · mine heart God will judge the juft and the wicked, J<A, oft rimes fiudily;fo"" The "~:::.;;. deceitful! manrollech not what he rook in huoting:lr tfheut it; The bread of de- p,,,•. ,,. cc it is fwcet to a man,but afterward his mouth finll be filled with grave H. { . "ilh hislwt, [TI God; rewariltd . I with his hle!Jings. §•9• LDV~ j {'" pAj[mg by ojfenm, .~Titnt» tndomggoodtlfUr tntmus. Pr.8. If.. Pc.8.11. Pr, JO,l ;f.o L ove to God: T love them that love m<: and they that fetk mecarly , fi1all find me; .,d,.itbmt, 6/tjfiwgs: I caufe them that love me. toinherit (ubllance, and I will fill tbdrtreafures. >.Tonitio, t. In p•Jfing by •ffmm; Hatred flirrech up C comcntions,but lovccover~th all trdpalfes,andthe !ham< thAt rifis from thcm:fothAt he o•ly that tovereth a tranfgrdlion,feekcth love. ~.In doingg,.dto ••rentmiw If he that lutcth thee be hungry,give him bread to eat; and ifhe lx thirlly, give him watcrto drink. Htrt tlmeftre tl~e•ffind,t. the cowtenti1m, >.the mvi~"'· Pr.1:..16. Pr.I7. 9. l1r.15 .u . §;to, 'I'~u,.tenti~m, . ~ whethtr i11 raifingiO-rutniU;s, .,,.het/m by prtjfingmatters IlD{Arrt. Pr.6'. 19~ Pr,1i . 19· T . Ht jirftis he that raifcth contentions among brethren: ••hi'b ~•et rAi(td, .,, noi fofo•ne ;,ppt<fitl. A brother offended is harder to win then a llrong City: D •wtl their contentions arc like the barre of a Palace. This is thatviolent man Pr.16.r 9 • Pr, t 8.G. Pr,16.1 1. E that decdvcth his neighbour,and lcadeth him into theway which is nor good,the WAJ ofdi(c•;tl,whtther by iO '"'"'";';The loolcs lips come with llrife;A!Idas the coalem a· kerb burning coalcs,andwood a firc,fo the contentious man is apt to kindle ftrife, & thAt tvtn Among grw '"" : A froward pcrfon fowcth ftrife, And a talebcarcr makerh divifion among Princts;Dr bj pn!Ji"t m.itttrs too furt : Whenone churneth milk he btingeth forth butter; and heth3t wringeth his nofc,caufcth bloud to come out: fo be that forcech wrath, bringeth forth £irife, tht t»dwhemfis nwtrgo•d: for it awife man tontedd witha foolifl1aian,wh.eihcr he be angry or lmgh1 tllere iS norell, { At Dur neighb•rr, (Th1 kindts 1 !lithe whktd, §. 11, ENVJ~ . l {tlltlmi, ~Thttjft<1s It {ilft. Pr. t6.1.8. Pr. JO•H• Pr·:J.9 9• THtftcondisth-' f•f/ice,wlurtby the foule ofthe wicked witherh.evill, and his p,_.,,,•. netghbour hath no favour in his eyes: th61 movtth him to be ,glad when his "'·••· ' '· _enemy fallcrh, and his hear~ to rej'oyce when ~tlumbleth ;and this is • '!'iD- P•-••·l•· ltnt MJs/1. 1 :n lt fel[t; A found heart is thclifeofthe !\db, bot c(lvy is the rottingof the bones. ~.T111hm; Anger is cruell, and wrath is raging: but who can(hnd be. -- fore