Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

200 Pt.1f.~O. Pq.J t. Pr.1J· '7· Pt,14-lo P r,l4-l· Pr.;.p. Pt . l • . l Oo Pr.~ ·l· Pr.u.13. Pr.u.. to. Pr.16.6. Pr+i· Pr.t • . p . Pr.19 .17• Pr. 11.1 7• Pr. lt.U. Pr. li·11 · Pr.11.7· Pr,14.10. Pr.J9·7· Pqo. ti . Pr.u.tG. Pr·u . ::.:. Pr. ::.s.w. Pr II·I7 · Ec.i,l· Pr. n"?ll· Pr.u. I6. Pr.u.q. Pr.;\9.10 . Pt.U,J(. Pr. ::.8.t7. Pt.J.I!, Pr.J.1:. , Pr. t.t s . Jlr, t . t 6 . Pr. t ·l7 · Pr.t.t iL Pr. u . tO. Pr.16. a.. Pr.::.,.. us. Pr. l6•11· Pr.18,17• Salomonr Bthickf. L l B.III. fore envy! Bill ofaO other,it is m•fl unj11jf when it is ftl•pon an wiNJitbjell. Fret not A thy fdfbecaufc ofthe malicious, neither be envious at thewicked, norchufe any of his waycs;neither let thine heart be envious againft !inners, nor dcfirc to be with them;.for .u their heart imaginct\1 deftruction, and their lips fpeak mifcbief, fo the froward is an abomin>tion to the Lord;and thcrelhall be none end ofthe plagues of thccvill man; and his light lhall be put out. ~· Il.Iujlict ~~ ''""{othtrs}Mtrcy: ~The quality • •nly:FJrjl, 10 I.t» ~Thtgaineofit. LEt not mercy and truth forfakc thee: bind them on thy neck, and write them upon the table ofthine heart;tbti Jufftrtth nil eo ftop thine care at the cry ofthe B poore: yt4, the righteous man rc:gardeth the life of his beaft; no 'lltrtut is mort gainft~!l: for By mercy and truth iniquity lhall be forgiven ; and By this thou lhalt find favour and good underllanding in the fight ofGod and man : G10d rea[on; For he honoureth God, that hath mercy on the poore: ,_.,he makes God his d•bm; He that hath mercy on the poore, kndcth to the Lord, and the Lord will recompcnce him:So thAt The mercifull man rewardc:th his owne foule;for He that followcth righ· teoufnelfe and mercy, tlnll find righteoufndfc, and life, and glory; and thertfore is bldfedfortver. ~ r. rnmtreifi•ln'ffi· § I 3. Againft mercy offmd •· O!frtf{ton. 3· Biolld·thirflintjfi. '·T Hat(noll•ly) the rich ru!eththe poorc, burrhat the poor< is hated of his own neighbour;whcreas the friends ofthe rich arc many; of his vtighbour? Tea all the brethren ofthe poore hate him:how much more will his friends depart from him~ though he be inllant with words,yet they will not. c •· There is a gcncration,whofc teeth are a• fwords, and theirjawcs asknives, to eat up the affiiCled out of the earth. Thefc are they that opprcffc the poorc, to in. creafe thcmfclvcs, and give to the rich; th41 rob the poor becaufe he is poore, and oppreffc the affiitlcd in judgement; that take away the garment in the cold feafon, ami t htrtfort arc like vinegar powr<d upon nitre, or like him that fingcrh fangs to an heavy he•rc; That trouble their own tlefb, and therefore are cruell;.._..,.n rrdinar1fin. D I tumcd and confidercdall the oppreflions that arcwrought under the Sun;&behold the teares of the oppreffcd, and none comforcerh them ; and the ftrength is of rh• hand of thofc tlllt oppreffe them, and none comforceth them. None~ Tts (•rely, abovt. If in acountry thou feel! the oppreflion of the poor, and the defraudin(l of judgement,& jullice,be not afloniedotthc matter;forhethat is higher then the h•gheft,regJrdeth,& there be higher then they, which will defend the caufc of the poor, to caufe theopprefforco come to poverty:i11which tj/att he !ball cry & not be heard. 3. The blo•dy man is he which not o•ly doth hate him that is upright, ~ut laycth wait againll the houfc of the righteous, and fpoilerh his reftiog place; yea, that doth vio· lence againll the bloud of a perfon:Soch"' wiNJ<y,0.>mc wirhus,we will lay wait for bloud,and lie privily for the innocent without a caufe. We will fwallow them up a· E live likea grave, even whole ; as thofc that goe downe into the pit. But, my fonnc, walk not thou in the w•y with them : refrain thy foot from their path: for their feet n10 toevill, and make hall to bloud.lhcd. Certainly as without caufe the net is fpred before the eyes of•ll that hath wings,fo rheylay wait for bloud and lie privily forchcirhves;Thus the merciesolthe wicked are cruell:But foal/ thtJ prevail in this? The caufddfe curfe !ball not come: The jull man may fall [even times in aday, but he rifcth up •gaine,whiles thewicked !hall fall into mifchief;yta i•ll theJamlthty had dwijid: he that diggeth apit,!hall fall therein; and he that roulcth a ftonc, it !ball fall upon him, and crufhhim to dwh: for He that doth violence againll the bloud ofa pctfon.lhall flee unto the gravc,and they lhall not ftay him. §. 14,Tbe