Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Juflice. (Dt{cribtd, §. r 4· The fm~d~ kind •f l•Jiice 11 Limittd, Dthtrs/< Li~tr•lity {withhis•wnt, LRew.uded, wi:h,~ort. Llbtr•lity Drbetrifice~ct,iswcafhhy brc;ad upon the waters_; to give a portion to k"·'· fevtn, and alfo eo esght;m" word, to gtve ofht~ b~ead ro the poore, 11ndnot o Ec.11 , 1 • .vith· hold his goods from the owners thereof, (1, the nudy) though ther< be Pt.a.9• power in his hand to doe it,•nd not to f~y to his neighbour, Goe and come again, to ~t~t B morrow I wil give thee,tfhe now have u:NotthAt qod•vo,.fdnot h•ve ""enj•y thec•m· forts he givts 114 •'"' filvts;for ,to every man to whom God hathgiven riches and trea· furcs,and giveth him power to eat thereof, and to take hts jlatt, and to enjoy his la· ~c.ps. hours,this is the gifc ofGod1but ifrhe clouds be full, they wlllpowre out rain upon the earth, •ndytrthey fb•U benevtr the tmptitr. The llberall perfo~ lhall have pleoty, Ec.n.J. and he that watcr<th, lhall alfo hwe raine: ye• noton/7 he that gtvcch rothe poore, ::;:::::~: {hall n<>t hck but {hall find it after manydayes;R>htre"" he that hidech his eyas, 1hall •'·"·'" have tmny,c~rfes: b•t, There isthat fcattereth,and is more increafed: thtH He chat bath a good eye,is blclfcd ofGod. :::::::;~· { ThttltfcriptiDn ofit, ~Covmufmjft, §.15. The exlrtmts Thecur(r. 'll'herto{Art PrDdig•fity. c THe i•vmll4 is he, that is greedy ofgain,that having an evil! eye,•nd coveting fiill greedily, trav<lleth too much to be rich, and shertfore both fpareth more then is right,•ndincreafeth his goods by ufury and interdl: There is one alone, and there is nota fecond, which hath neither fonne, nor brother 1 yet is there none end of his travell, neither can his eies be fatislied with riches, neither doth he think, Forwhom doe I travdl, and defraud my foul of ple1fures~ This mAn is 118{ati· D 1£/e,lske 16 The horfeleeches two d.mghters, which cry I\ ill, Give,Give: ejptciallJill his defim1 The Graveand dellrudion cannever be ful;fo the eyes ofa man can never be fatisfied : All the labour ofman is for his mouth , and yet the foule is not filled: ]t4,this is the corfe thAI Gla hashjitup1n him,He rhat loverh r,Jver,lhall notbefatisfied wi<h filver: and he that lovech riches, {hall be without the fruit thereof 1 Alldwhtttas the tich mans riches are his (\rang City,he th tt rru!leth in riches,lhall fall, •~tl fry his fparing commeth futely to poverty.AU thi< 01hile he fees his eyes on th:ttwhich is no· thing, •nd doth butgather for him that will be merciful! tothe poo:e:wbertf~re, Better is a little with right, then great revenueswithout equity. Give me not poverty, norriches: feed me wi<h food convenknt for me, !ell! be full, and deny thee, and fay, Who is the Lord~ or le!\ 1 be poore, and !leak, and take tbe name of God in E vain. ~The qOAiiiJ, (T•• much tx . jpenct: .,hereo §. 16. Prodig4lit] in< Thttnd. I LCm/efi'effi•fhiJ tjlite. Pr:s .r9 : ~ Pr.:z.;.6. Pr.u.:z.G, Pr.:z.;.4o Pr.u.,.; pr.:z.8.8, 6<:•• . 8. . Pr,,-O,Jf, Pr.:z.7.:z.o, Ec-'·1• Ec,f·9· Pr.18.u; Pr.11.18, Pr,I I . 1.f, Pr. :z.J. J, Pr.:z.s.a. pr, J6.8, pqo.8, fr.;o.g, Tit prodlg•Uis the miln that boalleth offalfeliberality,that lovethpa!lime,and ~, ..,. 9 ; ine,&oil ,that feedeth gluttons,& follo\•eth the idle;The unthrifty mlftl,& Pr.,..•,. thewicked man,walkethwith a froward mouth;Lewd tbings are in hishearr, ~'··~·7· ' p--P - • - 0 he: i,l ·•9·~