Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

:Z.OJ.. Salomons ethic!(!. LIB. III. ---- he imagineth evilbt all times'; Therefore !hall his ddlrutlion come fpeedil¥,and he A ~~:~::~: !hall be dellroyed fuddcnly withourrecovery; ANdtntli< mtAn """-• The nchos of P•.•·•!· vanity !hall diminilhl[athAI be !hall be a manofwant; J'" filled wttb poverty, •nda "'·'l·"· lhame to his father. ofthu kind al(ou htthat isothtrwijtcartltffi •f hu •fl•t<: Be not ~;::;::~: thou of them that touch the hand,noramong them that are furety for debts : If thou "'·''·1· hall nothing to pay, why caufell thou that he lhould rake thy bed from under ~~::;.-~~: th~~-: See more of thisrulcinthe ~~~t'foi,~~~~- ing. Pr.16.zl. Ec.9.10. Ec.J.lC, J!c .t.S. Er.J·9· .Ec.S'.tl· Pr.:z.o.lj. Pt.IO,i• Pr.tJ-4· Pr.14 z;. Jlr,u,:z.7. Pt.U,l9·' Pr.u.:.i. Pr.:6.J<f• Pr.6,Je, Pr.rf-'9· Pr.:J..IJ· Pr.:6.IJ. Pr,t6.J6, Pr.n.11. Pr.q.4. Pr.u.:r. Pr.,s.9. Pr.to.f. Pr.19 tf, Pt.lO+ Pr.:z.o.q. Et.IO,l8. Ft.14·io'O· Pr.l.<J·l'• Pr,lO+o Pr.~-6. Pr,6.7. Pr-6.8, p,,,,9" Pr.:-4·H• Pr.6~11, { rvhat itil. §. 17. Diligence Ht.!th, h•w P"fitable in5 Wtalth •na abtmdance, 2eonour. B I rjlitm • mAns ftlfe,i< diligmcel[or he that travelleth,tr~vdleth for h~mfclfe; The diligent il he,,.ho all that his hand !hall find to do<:, doth 1t wuh all h1s power. I have feen (indud) the travell, that God bath given the foancs ofmen,to humble tbem thereby,thAI all things are full oflabour, man cannot utter it; But what profit bath he t hat workcth,ofthe thing wherin hetravelleth~ Muchtvery ,,.y:jirji,Htalth: Thelleep ofhim thatrrnvelleth,is fweet, whether he eat little or much: Smnd!y, :We•lth: Open thine eyes, and thou fi,altbe fatisfied with bread: yta, The hand of the diligem,malcth rich, and his fvuk !hall be fut: •nd n" fufficimcy •nly, but in all labour thtr~ is abundance,but the taik ofthe lips bringethwant: yet m1re, the rkhes C that thediligem man hJth,areprt"ciom. 3· Honor~r: A diligent manih:tlllland before Kings, and not before the ba!Hort; •ndThe hand of the diligent !hall bcare rule, but the idle nun be under tribute. { The properties; §. 18. st.,hf#lneffi, Tht d•nger ofir. THe flothfull ,ti htthatfoldethhis hands, and eateth up his own flelh; That hideth his hand in his bofome, and will not pull it out again to his mouth; That turneth on hisbed,as a doorrurneth on the hinges,and foith, Yet a little fl«p,a little flumber, a little folding of the hands tofleep. Every thiNg thAt h"•ght D "dot,il '""hltjime: The way ofthe flothfull man is an hedge ofthornes,(rPbich heir IHh t• fir fo.e in) There iso Lion without(jaith hr) I !hall be flaine in thdl:reet : "' '" .a!th•ugh h(rtin hehe wifer in his own conceir, then feven men thac can render area.- fon: Yer (thttrurh is)'" tha~(fo much as) followesthc idle, isdefiituce ofunderllanding;hc lulleth (indttd)•ndajfttltthgrw things, but his foule bath nought: fo, The very ddir.ofthe flothfull flayeth him, for his hands rcfufe to work. And mt •nly hcthat is flothfull in his work, is brotherto him that is a great waller; but he that Oeep<th (•nd flothfulneffc cauferh tofallafleep)in harvell,is thefonne of confufion: AnJ, He that will nor plough becaufe of Winter, !hall beg in Summer, and have nmhing: Love not {kepthtrtforr, lcfl: thou come to poverty;for rvhttt is it, thAt henct e1mvmh not ro ruine f For tlith•ufc: By (Jothfulneffe the roofofthe houfe goeth to E decay; and by idleneffe ofthe har.ds,thc houfedropp"h thorow.For tht Land: I pall by the fidd ofthe flothfull, and by the Vineyardofthe man deflitute ofundtrllan· ding: and loe, it w•s all grown over with thornes, aad nettles had covered the face ofir,10d the llonewall thereofwas broken down. Then I beheld and confidered it \Tell; I looked opon ir, and received inflrutlion : fo in '"'"J rtfltCithe ~othfull hand maketh poor. Goe to the Pifmire therrforr, thou fluggard, and behold her ways and bewife: For fhe having no Guide, Govctnour, nor Ruler, prep3.reth her meat in Summ<r,andgathereth her food in harvefl. How long wilt thou fl.ep, 0 fluggard ~ wh<o wilt thou arife out ofthy fleep~ Yet a little fleep,yet a linle flumber,yet a little folding ofthe hands rofleep:Thercfore thy poverty commeth as a fpeedy Traveller, and thy necdlity as an armed man. SALOM 0 NS__