Pr.1J.3o. Pr.:ps. t'r.:.;-:o. }Pr.lO, I• rr.s 7-11· !~::~~:~~ ~~~·;,~:;~. jPr. tO, l J. j~·.:~·~:} Pr. t 8.1o. - opr,Jl·ll• ~ ~!~:~:~;: Pr.17.::.S. I ~~::~:;~· £a.f:.. Pr,JS.l• Pr,IS,I4• Pr.1!.1. Pr.U-13• Ec.10.14 · Pt.l0 o19• /'r.Jt.:.S· Pr. IS·P ·· Pr.J:..l- . Pr.U.)· Pr. I3 ·~ · Pr. :.r.:.o. 1 ~~::~:!~' Pr,1 li.7• Pr. t t.l'· Ec.11. - EC.7-S· Ec7.6. EC. ll -9• Salomons Ethickf. Lrll. IIII. fatietyoftherichwillnotfufferhimtolleep. To whom is woe( to whom is for· J! row'!' to whom is murmuring-: to whom are wounds withoUt caufe '!'and to whom is the redndfe ofthe eyes(even to them that tarry long at the Wine :to them that goe andfeckmixtWine.F~rhisfoo/e: Looknotonthe wine when iris red, and lhew- <th his colourin the cup, or goeth down pleafanrly. In the end thereof, it will bite like a Serpent,and hurt likea Cockatrice: Thine eyes lhalllook upon the llraoge woman,and thy lips !hall fpeak lewd things, and thou lhalt be as one that lleepeth in the middeft ofthe Sea,and as he that lleepetb io the top ofthe mall: they have flriken me(!halrrhou fay)but !was not lick: they havebeaten me, but I knew oot when la woke, therefornvill Jfeek it yet flill. FDr histjlm : He is like a City which is brok<n downe,and without walls: Keep notcompany thmfore with drunkards, nor wirh gluttons: for the glutton and drunkard lhall be poor, and the lleeper !hall be B clothed with rag!; .,J in aN lht{i, Wine is a mocker, aod flrong drink is raging, and whofoever is deceived thereby,is not wife. ~fiw, ~Whatitrrquim:thatthtyh ft4fon•~lt. ~Tn wmls, ~"K"" wi[dQ!Ist, r 1 ModtpJ, WbAiifp,{ils, 9. •+ bullibm. • I ~L•qrsaciry, , Conlr•ry ID it, IllJpttch, ImmlderAtt mirth.. gi'llts fofiiJ 0 T llt moJtjl <for words) is a man ofa precious fpirit, that refraineth his lips, •nd fpareth his words. The words ofa modtft man are like d•ep waters, and the well -fpring ofwifdome like 31\owingRiver: but whmhe dorh fpt•k, it is,. porpofc: fir The mouth ofthe juft lh3ll be f111itfull inwifdome : aod the lips of the righceousdoefeedmany,y,.him{tlft: Amnn!hallbe fariate with good thin~s by c the fruit ofhis mouth: ••d with the fruit ofa mans mouth his belly fhall be fausfied: hns ftilt he {ptAktth fp.rlngly: A wife man cone<alerh knowledge,and amanofunderflanding wil keep filence,wh/ch .<~it .rgutshimwif'e,(for even afool,when he heldeth D his peace is counted wife;and he that !toppeth his lips, as prudent ) fD it gl'llts hi., :much fajtty: He that keepeth his mouth, and his tongue, keepeth his foule trom aflli1 ClioP;J" he keepetll his life:,.hm c.ntrarily, themouthofthe foole is in the mul• rimdcof words; it babkth out fooli!hnelfe; .u it is fed with it: ntithtr hath he any delight in undedlanding,but that which his heart difcovereth; •ndwhile htbtwr~Jflh it, rhe heart offooles publi!heth his fooliJhoelfe: And M he multiplieth words,fiio many wordsrherecannot want ini<]uity : his momh {j1iM')bableth evill things,J~r tithtrhe fpeaketh froward things,., how to lie in wait forbloud, "in the mouth of rhefoolifh is the rod ofprid<; ••dwh•t Is the ijfueofit l He thatopeneth his mouth, ddlru6lion 0"11 he to him. And he that huh a naughty tongue, lhall f3ll into evill ; for, lDth it !hall be cut our, •nd the frowardne!fe ofit, is the breaking of the E :hearr. Lajlly, a fooles mouth is his own deflru6llon, and his lips are 3 fnare for his · foule. For ,a;.,s:The modrO 01311 have honour: Aptlth•ugh wenudn•t f.iy,Oflaugbtet, : thou art m•d;and ofjoy, what is this thou doell: ytt Anger is better then laughter: 1 for by a f.1d look the heart is made better. The heart of rhe wife thtrtfore is in the ' howfc ofmourning, but the heart offooles is in the houfeofmirth. Rejoycethen, 0 young man in rby youth,and let thine heart cheer thee in the dayes of thy youth, and walk in the wayes of thine hearr,aad in the light ofthine eies; but know, that I for all thefe things God will bring the~ to jud§ement. §. 3· H•mility,