Juflice. A { Ho111ilitJ, ~wlmtin itil, ~· 3· ~overweening, H'w •bf•rd, Pride, Howtl•nger~m. Smnfulntjfe. NExtmht modeft,it the humble in fpirit : He f•ith, Surdy, I ammore foolifh ,.._,._,, . then a man and have notthe Hnderftanding ofa man in me; fo: I have not r qo.o . learnea wifdome, and have not attained to the knowledge of holy thing•; ~;·•;·• · But dothherunt it ere 1he msre? No: With the lowly is wifdome;and fheeare that r,::,:;;. hearkneth to the corretlions oflife,fhalllodgc among the wife : Better it is therefore ~····6·•9· to be ofan hu111ble minde with the lowly, then to divide the fpoiles with the proud: r:::l:;~} B for befor< honour gotth humility; •n.t'hethat conferfeth and forfaketh his finnes, P<.,s,,,. (hall have mercy; yea,the humb~e of fpirit !hall enjoy.glory: And the reward of !m. ~;·.~;·.~~: miliry, and the feare ofGod,IS nches,and glory,and hfe. comrv7 whtrttl? Thc:re is~ generation,whofe e~es ~r~ haughty ,an~ their eye-lids are lift up; There 1s a ge""rauon, that are pure 10 rHe1r own conce1r, and yet are not walhed from th<irfilthindre. rea, All thewayesof aman are clean in his own eyes : but the Lord pondewh the fpirirs; •n.t'n11 (o •nly, h111 Many m{n will boaft Pqo. 1 ~. t>r JO. l:J,. Pr.16.1.. Pr.u .t.. P r. l.o,6. oftheir goodndfe: ht h is OGt good toeat much honey, fo to fearch their own f,:::;:;:· glory is not glory: Let another man ptaife thee, and not thine own mouth 1 a ftran- p,,,s. 11 • ger,and not thine own lips. Thit •ver. wttning it commDIIIJ incident togrw me11. The rich man is wife in his own conceit, but the poor that bath undetftnoding , can try C him: Htn« it it th41 ht•JftElr [ingularity; According to his ddire he that feparares ~~;'t,';. himfdfc, will fcek, and occupy himfdfin all wifdome: hut [e.;ft thou a man ' ' '"' ""'•·•· wife in his own conceit ~ there is more hopeofa foole then ofhim : yea, he;, • foole in thit: In the mouth ofthe foolifh isrherodofpride: I thought, I \vill t>ewifc, but Ec.,.•r· it went farre from me;it is farre off,what may it be~ aod th41a ,.rtkedfoole 1 A haugh. ~;:;;~~: ty look, and a proud heart, which is thelightofthe wicked, is finne: If tbmf"' P<. 3o. 3 ,, thou haft been fooli01 in lifting upthy. fdfe, and·ifthou haft thought wickedly, lay P,••.•, . thy hand upon thy moutb,for God'hateth an haughty eye! ye•,ht fo hattth it, tiJ41 all P•.••·r· that aP.l proud in heart, are an abomination to the Lord ; and though hand,joyne in Pu p r; hand,they lhall not be unpunilbed; ~n.t .. hat piii#Jhmtnt fo•ll he b:~w? The Lord will r ,,,,,,,, deftroythe houleotthe proud ntan;•nd bit very pride ii an .rgumtllto{hit r•ine: Bt · Q foredeftrutlion the heart ofa man is haughty: Pride goeth before deftnitlido , and p,,,6 .,8 • an high mind before the fall: Btfort it? ;•• with it: when Pride tommeth,theu commeth lhat,ne•. NIJPthe htight ofpriJe it{cornfolntjfe '. He thar is proud and haughty, p,,, '·>· fcornfuii1Sh1S name,who workcth 10 the pndeofh1s wrath: and thrs man defpifeth p, ,.,,,. his neighbour, and tbmf~re is defiirure of undetftmding : wh~h the wicked corn- "'·"·"· meth,rhen comm•th cootempt;and with the vilo man is reproach: hut •f•ll,him M41 P'·''·l· rtprovtr him: He that reprov<rha fcorner, purcltafcch to himftlflhame; and he that rebuketh the w!cked,geneth hitnfdfa blot:therftre Judgements are prl:pared' f0r the fcoroers,andfinpes fort he bacl(loffools;fo "'11hm m hort bj bil Jinni: for a fcorn. full m~nbrmgetha w~~·ote City iritci afnatr::fo they .foal/ ht lilrtwifo [,mtrtdbfbujudgtE ,.,.,,whenthtfcornorispunilll:d,tho foolifhiswife. .11 ' Pr·9·1· Pr.19~1,9, Pr.1 9.a. · Pr.u,q . ,) ,. §+ CITitintn<J)of Lujl, ~with their Centrdrirr, (of Angtr. 5 11 I m ,.rrlti• ,- il bethat dr1nlts the wateFSc of. hiffi\'\'11 6itc:~r-de. P<.6.,,, 0 r. &,R tJ Pr.S' ~ ~; Gres not ~he beaury of a ftr.•ger in his heart ; neither kt~ her take hi1n with Pq ' 0 • htr eye..hds: contrArtl1,the '"/'l''fl.nt ltilethat dd1ghts ma ftrangewoml n, ~;::~:;i. and embraces the bofome ofa ftran\i'el; dr lhe\hat forfakes the guide ofher youth P,. ,p,. and forgetteth the covenant ofGod; lhe lieth in wait fora prey, and fl1e increaf<th ~;'.;;;,;!; .r the tranfgrert;ors amongft men. For~ w}10re i(as_adeep dkch...and a ftrangewoman •hi• •i«. asa narrow pit: TtA, I find more bmer. then death the woman whofe heart is as Or<•m.r,a.,. : T ~rs ~~ ;~--=--_...