206 Pr.16.) l.o Pr.14.:.9. Pr.t9.Jl. Pr,l+l9· llr,:.g.S. Pr,16.li· Pr.lO·l· EC·7·lt • Ec.7.11. Pt,14.17, Pr.14.19· j)r,l1·+· Pr.t9-:.·t. Pr.u.z.4. Pr.ll,Z. f , Pr t8.q· P1.:.8,1. Pr.:.4.10, Pr.;~,g.lfo Pr.t8,14. J>r.:.B.t. Pr+5· Pr. ;.6. Pr.I6 3• Pc.q 3!• Pr,I3•1 Zo Pr.18~. Pr.t6+ Pr.;.6., Pr.3o.f. Pr. u.;a. Pr.t8.u,. Pr.a6.:.g, Pt.18,:.6. Pr.:.7·'· Pr0 3,11; Eq.t&.J Pr.3-1t.~ Pr.1o,::.S. ~~:~~~~ ~;.:~;~~; Ec.7,JO, Salomons Ethicf<.!. LIB. IV. nets and fnar<s, and whofc hunds as bands: he that is good before God, flull be de- A livtred from her,but the !inner!hall be taken by her. ofthe fccoml, is he that is llow eo anger,llow to wrath;whofe diferetion deferreth his anger,and whofe glory is t_o pllfe by an offence: JJibich m.odtrati#TJ .a1 i: 4rguts him t•be of groat wifdome (f.,. Wife meo cura away wrath)fo ttmaku hlm bwer then themiohry man,andprocures himjt'.ft h6n1ur; for It is the honour of aman ro ceafe from tlrife; contr.,y towhich,iJ he th:tt is ofan hally fpiri t to be angry; which"' it P"""' himf•olif", (foranger rellerh in the bofomc offooks, and he that is hallyto angcr,Not •nly committeth folly,~ur exalr<th irJ fi it maim him d•nger~ru .- Anger is cruell, and wrath is raging,and a furious man aboundeth in tranfgrcffions: wherefore make no fricndfl1ip with an angry man , !ell thou learn his wayes , and receive delhuClion to thyfoule. B llngtneral!, ~- 5.Fortitude C•nfidenct, The f}eciaiS1fit,5 . {In C•ds •ffltllions, 2. PA1Jt11(t In mm1 hrj11rits. F Ortiwdeis thll, whtreby the fpirit ofa man fullaines his infirmities; which maku the righteous bold asa Lion:c•ntr.rity;the JPt4kt~f jlr(llgth is he that is faim in theday ofadverfity;wholcfeare bringeth a fnareupon him, .md thAt tltf)erAte: AWounded fpirit who con bear~ which isoften cAN[tdthro•giJguiltinef!e: The wicked C lketh when none purfuetll him.Confidence is, to truO: inthe Lord with all thine hearr, and not to lean to thine own wifdome; but in •ll thy wayes to acknowledge him, •nd to commit thy works to the Lord, •nd to have hope in thy death: •nd th•ur,h in other thiwzs,Tbe h<>pe that is deferred,isthdainciog of the heart;'" inthis,ht that trullerh in the Lord, tballlx: far1 for , from hence, not •nly his thoughts and wayes at•e diretltd,6ut he rmivethfojity antl{'rmfJron .- ~eisa!hield to thofetbattrull in him. The hork is prepared for~he day ofbattell, but [J(vation is of the Lord. Te., The name ofrhe J;.ord is a llrong tower: the riollteous rtlnneth to it, and is ex;dted. SI that, He thattruflcth in rhe Lord,hds bleif.d ~ ••hmac, he that trull<th in his own hearr,is a foole: AJJd it is a v•in thing to,boall thy fclf of to morrow; for thou knowellnor what a day wtll bring forth. D Patimceis,not to refufe the challtning ofthe Lord,neithtr to be grieved with his coneClion: The patirnt m•n, in the day ofwealth,is of good comfott, and in the day ofaf!liClion con!idereth,God alfo harh made hiscontrary to that, that man !hould find nothing after him whmofto c.mplain: kns,.inr, thAt the 4>td corredeth whom he \oveth;and th~t the patient abiding ofthe righteous !hall be gladndfe: Ctntrari11 the hoartofthe fool frerteth againll the Lord; he is careltffe, and rageth :ib•t to .,h.; pr~rp•fo? Man cannot Chive with him that is llron~er then hc;yea,r.ther, th~ man thll hardneth his neck wh<'ll he is rebuked, !hall fuddenlybe dellroyed , and cannot 1x: furcd:inrtfPttlof>>Uns i~jurits.He fai\IJOot,I will rectJmpence evills but waits upon tlx: Lord , and he !hall fave him. In >v.hich rttard, the patient in. ij'irit tll!tJ foffers is better then the proud offpirit thAt nquitu. ' E (l -.. ; .. \.