A B · c Salomons Politicks, OR C Q! M M 0 N~VV E A L T I-1;. Andfirfr, ~{N~Drdi114te, ~mu.ft be, •ndart £'1 many. 9· 1. Degrw highejl, •ndthD{e fr•m G1d. •t•ne• • N aD wtl ~rdmd gwernmtnts there Are legrm ,1 An higher then the higbefr,aod yet ao higbertben they: And ~hefe, •fG•dsaJPOiRt- ,.ent; nDt 1nly i11 the inftri••rr•nks, The nch and poor meet,and the Lord is the Maker ofthem al:but in the fopreme,By meKings "'·'·"· reigne (fAithWifd•me)and Princes decree Jultiw.mdnDt theJ on- PcS.>f. ly, huttht Nobles and all the Judges ofthe earth; fi 11 i4 • jt'.ft ~;::;,:~;. wDnder,thAithe Gralhoppers have no King, yet they go forth by bands. And a"' King i4 •judgement; fo m•WJ : for,Becaufe ofthetranfgretlion of the Land, there are many Princes; many, sm 111/y infrequent foutfliDII, h•t infocicty 1[ regiment. < 1 I ,,r; ., '{f)f!_Aiity ljbilperfonSN•t•r•O, >' z. n A X ng Areae 1moea Al1i.. s ?_Mor~U. D A King mujl be high;,u in plm,fo inMoud: Blelfed art thou,O land,whe rhyking is the fon ofNoblcs;n#t I[A»J firvilecondition;for nothingcttn be m1re uncome- ~~::;::~: ly,rhen for 3 fcrvanrro have rule over Princ~s: md it i; 4 monjler in StAte, to Ec. 1o.r7. fee fervants ride on horfes, and Pcinces(ofblDud) to walk as fervanrs on the ground; E neither ntDre wo»j/rDtM then intole"hle. There are three things for which the rarrh is p,.3o.,: moo/1\:d,yea fourwhich it cannot fufraine :whmofoneil, A fcrvantwhen he reigneth•. N.,..,.. rNot/A{eivi•m, \NotriltD~t~, f NegAtive; ) Not hollow Anddt/Jit»b/ing, I whAt one h'il Not childifo, · §. 3· MlrAD 'f"•lities-(, m•y not be;\ N1t impr•tlent, \ LNot oppref!ing• . ~ Ajfirmltivc. ANd ,uhu6/o•d u hmic.l,fo hil dilfo(ition;nlt 1-fciviDw, What,O my fan <lf my defires,give not thy frreagth to women,nor thy wayes : But why lhould he with-hold from bisryes whatfoever they can de.fire, and withdraw his heart from any joy! why m•y he not hAvt all the delightsof the fons ofmen: as women taken captive;asQueenes and Concubines,and Damofels without number! This is to d<frroy Kings; He /lull find more bitterthen death the woman whofe heart is as nets and fnares. N•t rimuJIJ exceffiv e1whetheri• ,.;,.,_. (1r It is not for Kiags to drink wine,nor for Princes frroag drink; WhAITIDI 111.0? n "'"''''"' il ''""{lid' Goceat T3 thy Pr.JI.J.J~ Ec.a.to, Ec.a.S. Can.6.7. Pr.3I ·J• Ec.7.2.8, Pr,3t. 4 : Ec•S'•7•