1.10 Sa/omons Politickf. __....__ thy bread \Vith joy,and drink thy wine witha cheerefull heart! who fuould eat or A E<·•·•!· drmk, or hafte to outward things more then he! Nil immoder•ttly: fo as he fuould Pq' · '· drink and forget thedecree, and change the jugdement of all the children of affiilii- ~·:;::.~· on: orin mw.f" ,Woe be to thee~O L~nd,~vhen thy Pri~e<s eat in the r:norning:and l'r.•l·l· ifhe be not the mallet of his appeme,hiS damty meats will prove deceiVeable. Not ho!Jow,nll tl•ub/e injpmhes,inproftffi•n ; The lipof excellency becomes not a look; much leffe, lyingtalke a Prince. Nil childijb; Woe toth<e, 0 Land, whofe King is 2 child: nDI fomoch in ~e,whlch h1thJinlllimes provdfom!fefoU; b111 i• Clntlition: Nit imprutient,nDtopprepmg; two vices conj•yned; A Prince ddhtute of undcrlhndiog, is alfo agreat oppreflor; Andtltonclutle, in•U" •ny •fthe[t, not wilfo/Jy inflexible: A poore and wifechild is better then an old and foolifu King, that will no more be Pr.I7·7· Ec.to,t6. Pr.2.8.a6. Ec,JO. I7o Fr,11,1 , Pr.t6.u.. Pr,14·J4· Pr.2.9. 2., Pr. 8. r6'. Pr.:t0.16. Pr.18.r6. Pr.19o4Pr.t6.p.. Pr.1912., Pr.]O,:t9. Pr.]O.] Io Pr.2.1,1, P r.r6.u. Pr.t6.7, Pr.to,8. Pr.19·4· Pr. t6.Jo. monifued. B ~l•fi, :-'11mifu0, (T.,tbtrl S/o ID •nger, , r Bluntifo!J. §+ Ajfirm•tlvt;whu 1111 ht muji ~" ~Tcmptwe, I . Wi[t, Lln hsmftlft fYAii•nt, Stcrtt. · ContrArily hem•fl be ttmper•tt;Bleffcd art thou,O Land, when thy Princes cat in timc,for ftrength,and not for drunkeoneffe : lu.fl•ndrightma ,for falfe bal Iane<s(efpeci•Oy In tht h1nd •fgwtrnmtnt)lteaoabomina<ionto the Lord:but C a perfect weight ple.,feth him: A vtrt111 bmeficiall,both '·" him[tlf(f~rthe Throne is eftablifued by jullie< )•ntl >.tDtht swe;Julliceexaltetb a Nation; thtn •hiGh •mhing doth """ bindAnd thttr tbelwrts ofiheptoplt.fir, When the righteous are in authori. ty,the people rejoyce,but when rhewicked bears rule,the people figh: & with trath •ndjuflice,mu{i "'"'Y bejf1ntdinfrp.,•biJ:f" Mercy and truthpreferve the King: and his Throne fuall be ellablilbed, •lfo,by mercy. And aUthe(emuji have wifdome ,,,,. Ragt them: By it Princes rule,and art terrl~lt tothe iU-dtflrvlng.A wife j{ing 1fcarrereth the wicked,and caufeth the wheele to turn over them. TDAIIthtft mujl bt .ddtd bounty: A Prince that hateth covetoufneffe, fuall prolong his dayes; wherecontrarily, A manofgifts deftroyeth his countrey : Andyetfurther,• <Dnq•efl •f hiunm p•fions, a princtly vii1sry: for He that is flow to anger,is bettertben the mighty man, and he D that ruleth his own mind,better then he that winneth a City;btcauft •f allother, The Kings wrath is like the roaring ofaLion:•nd what ilthAt bur the Meffcnger of death~ •ndifit m•y ht,A<Inqutji •f•llDthtrs,thrlugb v•l•ur. There are threerhings,that order well their going,yea foure are comely in going: whmof tht I•Ji •ndprincip•llis, A King againll whomno man dares rifeup.L".f/ly.ftcrtcy indtttrminAtions:The Heaven in height, & earth in deepnefle, and the Kings heart can no man(nonw• foouid)[earch out:ntithtr Jb•,./d it be in any hands but the Lords;,.h• as he knows it, fo he turnes it whitherfo:ver it pleafeth b1m. ~I ; •mrdlng 11 thttTflthof ~""'"''"• Ji•tlgt rlghm•JIJ tht uufe. 1;. 'i. H i~amom jpeclall to bu •· •ccCDrding tDihe difire!fe E plm: Tl I •{theP•rty,onpmi•lly. ~rtmit mmifolly. H/1 .•lli!ns m•JI.foit his di{;•fitio,.,which ~·JI ~' univer{IUy h~ly :fw Irisan abo. mmauon toKmgs(•f ,a other)to commit wrckedneffe.Whtchholmef!e ai4Rei6 tht w•y toa/1 !""'When the wayes ofa man pleafe the Lord, hewill make his enemies at peace with him : Pteuli~rly 11 hil plm ; ht "'"fl firji judgehil f<.•ple: A King that fitteth in tbeThroneofjudgement, chafeth away allevill wtth his eyes;•ndby this hemaintaineshis countrey: •nd ,hilt hedothfo,there, A divinefentedce muft b: in the lips oftheKing,& his mouth may nor ttanfgreffe in judgement. F", aKing that judgetbthe poorcin truth, his Throne fuall beeftablilbed for ever: Neither