Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

,B c E Hu Counfailor. Neither""'' his em ~e pmi•Uy open:.which ~i[Pofitim fhaO heJure to . for, Ofa Prince that hearkeoeth to hes,all h1s fcrvants are w1c~ed: wor hu t[pecially in &~{is oftlijlreffo : O~n thy mo.oth for.rhe dumhe 10 tbe children ofdeftrutlion: open thy mouth , Judge r1ghteouOy, and JUdge the and the poore: 1" nil withfo much regmJtdlhe ~Jiatt ofperfons, .u thttruth ofthu r:Au[t;for,Surely it.is not good to ~oodemne the Jut\ tn wh.r <Vtr condtttm; nor that Princeslhould fm1te fuch for eqmty: whemn ht fhallw•(tly [torch Into all dijf,r;nltw. Theglory ofGod is to paffe by infirmities, but .the Kings honour is to fearch out a thing;ytt fo, .u he is not fildome rnercifull m exer:otton, J?chvenng them that are dra n to dcath,and pref<rving them that ar<.drawn to be Oame. Tluft •bfirvtd, tt cannot '6e, th•t man lbould rule over man to h1s hurt. ,-,ct; &-M o s [oun{ailour. ~How 5rhe mr:rjfit~J '!!;;, (For the ~given: ~ThtqHality, rightmu, I Joule, pltafont, §.6. C•r~•fail.c< H01• rmivrd. lFDT the Stall. AS where m (over•ignty,fo where no counfcll i!, the p<ople foil; andcoNtrarily, where many Counfdlors are,th<re is health; & mortthen hea/th,Stedfafincfs CDun(tOfor tbtfoult, Where no vifion is,the people peri01: whtr:h reqoirts 6Dth holmt(Jtamfwi(d•mt: The fruit ofthe righteous is as a tree of life, and he that winnerh foules, is wife 1 and themore wife the Preacher (i!) the m01e he teacheth the people knowledge,and caufeth them to heare, and fearchcth fo rh, and prcpar<th many parables: •nd nDtsnlyan upright writing(and fpe.king) even the word of truth· but pfc,fant wordsa1fo,(o that the fwcerneffe ofthe lips incr<afcth doCtrine ; •ndno; mort deiighlfu!l, thtn effellu•H: for, The words ofthe wife are like goads and nailes faftncd by the maO:ers of the aff'emblies, that are given by one Pallor: · · e'Vtry heanr challcng• due rtvtrtnr:t •nd"t"'d; wh• mull: take heed to his he eorreth intothe h<Jufe ofGod:and be more nearto hear, then to give the facrifice of fooles :for, He that defpifeth the Word lhall be deftroyed, but he that fearerh the Commandemenr,fhall be rewarded. )Difcujfiwg•fmjit, (Wifd•me,(Provtdtnr:t,andworking • In • Coun'tUor ~~SlAt< I According tl/mowledgt, >• 7• . l' . l . '< Pitty "M•gijlratt,urequmd,\ ' . 1 . . 1Partt11 uy, LTuj/tr:t,a»dfrttd from Bribu, oppreffion. VVTtho.ut Counfe!l,all ourthoughts(r.v:n •/policy & flatc)come ro naught: but 1n the mu\mude ofCounfellors ISfitdla!toeffe: a•dno ltffi in thtir .C"dntjJt; I . In their '!''fdwe,. which •lone gives f\rength tD the Drvntr, above t<n.mtghty Prmccsrhat are.m the C!ty; avmut,whir:btho•gh irrefieth in Iht heart ofh1m that bath underftandmg, yttts known in the mids offcole~ . For wif. dome is inthe face of him_that bath underftanding,!,- in hi! lips:fir h•wfowtr he thar bath knowledge,fpareth hts words,ytt thetongue of thewife ufcth kno" ledoe arioht· •nd thefoole cannot o~o his mouth in the gate; •nd therifon is unfit f or authority~As foow in fummer,and raine in horvcfi; foishGnour unf<emely for a fool. Andth•ugh rt6egrvtn.htm;h•w t~ttAgrtts? As the doling of a precious ftone in an ftones,fo lS he that g1ves £lory to a fool<. FrDm hmr:e 1 thrg•Dtil•fliar hDth Pr.11.t4• Pr.:a....G. Jlr.I5·1:. Pr. ~g. t8. Pr.t1,30• Ec.:u.. g• Ec.11.ro, Pr.1~. u.. Pr. li· 5· lk7 • . Pr. ••·B· Pr 17.1i · p,, Pr.lf. 1· Pc.:4.1. P1.:6. t.