Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

212 SalomonJ Politic!(:. -1 heutth • <Auji,klll,.,lng th•t He which anfwereth a matter before he hear ir,it is folly A "'·'' · •7 • and fhame eo him;•na th41 rtl•ttd1nbothparts; f.,. He char is firll in hisown caufe, P,,,• ., . isjull: rhen commerb his ndghbourand makerh inquiry of him; uti dttplJ fifitth Pr.:u..;. Ec.g.J f. Pr.IJ.16. Bc.g.17. Pt.1J , z.1o fc.9.•6· Ec.9.18. EC.9·1J• Ec.g. Ji· EC9• 't· PC.I4·I6. P r .U.jO. Pr.t:z.·J · p , , Pr.ti. u . P:, :z.9:. Pr. 18.u.. p .-; .~ Pr.:~.9.:t. Pr.:.r.:z.6· Pc. ~;:::::;.} Pr. t8.f. Pro17.Ifo i'f. I7.1J • Pt.t8.J6. Ec.7·9· Pr.u..7. Pr.1s-:.7. Pr.11 . lfo Pr.19· ' f · P r.l.t . tt. Pr. :u .~ Ec.1 4.f· Pr. U .. I7 • Pr.t1. •7• Pr·'9·f· PC, I :-J-9• Pc. Pr, l + i'· Pr.¥.1:::.. Pr.::.t-16. Pr. I6•1f; pr. tg.u . l't.I+Jf· Pr.:u.. Ir. Pr.u.a7. it: tl{t he lljith thttruth; for The counfellofrhe heart of man is like deep warers: but aman chat bath underllanding, will draw it out. Fr~m htnct,i< his trovitltntt f~r tht comm1ngBitl; nut '"'J in feeing the plague,and biding himfelfe, but in deliveriog the City: and.u htfortfittb,f• heworketh by knowledge=-nd not in pta<tlniJ: .u The words of rhe wife arc more heard in quierndl'e, then rhe cry of him chat r~ktli among fooles; but in,..,,., Awife man goerb up into the City ofrhe mighcy,and c:~lleth down rhcllrength of the confidence thereof. FIT wifdome is berterthen llrengch,yea, then weapons ofwarre : I have feen this wifdome under the Sun, and itisgrearunro me; A httle City andmeoinir, andagrear Kiog came :.gainfi it, and B. compalfed it about, and builded forts agaioll it; and there was found in it a poor and wife man,and he delivered rhe City by his wifdom~Neilhtrun thm ht tmt wi( dome in •ny CDrmfeUn,wit'••lfitty' Tfie vife man feareth,and depms from evill;be. ing wtUaffured,th•t there is no wi(dome, nor underllanding, nortounfdl againfi rhe Lord; andthat Man cannot be efiablifh:d by wickedndl'e:awdintl<ea , w lji doth God fo dtfp•fi oftj/aw,that the evill fi1all bow before the good,andthe wicked ar the gates ofrhe righteous~ ntithtr il thit moreju.ft ,.;,hGod,thmacetptabltwith mt• : for when the righteous rejoyce,there is great glory,•nd when they arein authority, rhe people rcjoyc<";CintrAri~,whcn the wicked comcson,andrifcs up, A"»dbearc:s rule, theman is tricd;rhe good hide themfdvcs,and all the people figh: and the righteous man falling down before the wicked, is likea troubled Well,and acorrupt Spring. N<ithtr i<I•Jiiet l•ff• t!Jtntia!lthen tithtr;lorro doe juflice and judgemenr,is more acceptable ro rhe Lord then facrifice:To know faces,thmfm(inaIudgt)is notgood, for that man will cranfgrdfe for apeece ofbread; m•ch lt!Jt to accept the perfon of c the wicked,to caufe the righteous ro fall in judgement : He that faith to rhewicked, Thou arc righteous,him fhall the people curfe, and the multirude fiull abhorre himr J" J'' hightr; He chat jul\ifieth rhewicked, and condemneth the jull, bothare abomination to the Lord.Whmforeb•rvfotvtr The wicked man taketh a gift out of the bofomc,to wrell the wayes ofjadgement;•nd t1111m111ly, Amans gift inlargeth him, and lt4dtth him(with approb41ion) before ~reat men: Jtl he h..,tlh, th4t the reward defiroyech rhe heart; th41 tht acctptaneufit;. bit the robbery ofrhe wicked; which 01311 defiroy them,becaufe they have relufcd to execute judgement: he hareth gifts, D thm,thar he may live,•nd it is a joy eo him to doe judgment. He dorh onputi•KJ fmite the [corner,JtaftvtrtlJ punifi1 him,that tht wi<ktdiJ fooli1h may bewareand become wife. Andwhmas Every wayofaman is right in his own eyes, and a falfe record will fpeak lies, and ufedcceit: hefo makethioquiry,that a falfewirnelfe lball not be unpunifi1ed: and he char fpeaketh lies 1hallperifh: L•f/lJ, hil ha11d itfm fr•"' lptrt{- P"' of hit inftrilurs: which M it makes a wife man mad;[o tht aflor •fit, miftraHt;fir Hethatopprclfcchrhepoor,reproverhhimthat made himr •nd it the aflli6tc:d be opprefi in judgement, the ~ord will defend their caufe, and fpoilc the foule that fpoileth them; ant/upon •fl•ce•Ji•ns, he (o dettr111lntth, th•t they 1hall kilfe rhe lips of him that anfwereth upright words. SAL o M o N s [ourtier. ~Di(crm, ~Charlt•Me, ~· 8. Muf/bt Religiow, Diligent, Humble, F•it6full. I N the light of the Kings countenance is life, and his favour is as the cloud of the latter raine,ITas the dew upon the grarr:c: '!'ki<h th~t the CIUrtitr""'J l""h•{t,ht 111ujlht, 1 Di{irttt: The pleafore ofaKmg IS ID a w1fe fcrvant,'but h1s wrath lhall be towards him that is lewd: •· RtPti•m,bnb '" htart, He that loYcth p1rcoc1fe of heart, E