Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Salomons Subje'if. }~ A heart foe the graceofthdips theKioa RtJ!l be his friend: andm hiiA!ii~ns, Hethac \P'·"·'•· feek.,;h good things gettech favour; ~" hoth rrhsch, the righteous is _more excellent ~: ;;·;j. then his neighbour: anti hefideJ theft, humble; The reward whereofIs glory:for,be- p, ,, • · fore glorygoerh humility. He d•rtnot thereforeboafi himfdf before the Kmg, •nd 1 p,,,, r . thrullhimfdfover-forward in the prefence ofthe Prince, whom hiseyes doe fe.: 1',,,,.•,. whom he (e(S mweJ,he pacifieth by !laying ofanger, •ntlbya foft anfwer breaketh a man ofbone notaggra'llating the J•Mits oflthtrs: He rharcovereth arranfgrdlion,fee- p, ,7 9 • kerb love; b~r he that repeacerh a matrer,fepararerh the Prince. To the(e,he is diligent, E, ' ·'· takino heed to the mouth oftheKing: .,.dthmfort 'l?orthily !landerh before Kings, p,_,.,,. and n~t before the bafe fort: andwithal/ trMt arxl faithfi,01 when he und<rtAkts anllhers foit he ling m nDt,kuowing thAt The hope that is deferred,ts the faiming of rhe heart ; p, ·' l· "· B andthough A bribeorrewardisas a !lone pkafJnt in the eyes ofthem that have ir,& Pur·'· profpererh whither-foever ittur~erh,(for every man is a .friend to him that giv_ech gifts)Jtl he ace~unltlh the g<~thenng of rreafuresby a deceitfull tongu:, to be vamty, ~::,{ coffed to and fro ofthem that feek death. c SA L o M o N s Subjefl. iRevtrtnrt~ His Printt, §. 9· HiJ JotJ ,,5 okdiwe. lFeOow-Sohjtfis. EYtrJ government prefoppPfith SuhjtCIJ. In the mulricude ofche people is the ho- "'·••·' '· nour ofthe King1and for the wane ofpeople, commerh thede!lrudion of the Princ<: ofwhom G•dreq11ires ,inrtJitfloft!Jt Pri•ce, Rwerence,obedimce : That p,, , 9 . 9 • thoy !hould reverence and feek the face ofthe Prince; not curling the King, fo mu&h P,,,•. , • . as in their rhoughr,nocrhe rich in their bed-chamber; 6ut fearing the Lord, and the ~~::;::~: King, and nor medling with the feditious, which only feek evil!. Fot,.n che Fowle P•.•r·" · ofrh< heaven !hall carry the voice, and the ma!ler ofthe wing declare che matter: ~~: :;:;~ fo (for rwenge) acrudl meffenget !hall be fenr again!lthem , their de!lrudion fhall p,,;,.u. arife fuddenly,and who knoweth their ruine! F•rt htir dr~e h4magtthtrefortandohe. D dien&e to /awes, they take heed to the mouch ofthe King, and theword of the oachof God;andifa lawhe enafltd,thtJ viPI•ttiiiJot,notjlrivefor inn4vatioll. He that breaks the hedge, a ferpent lhall birehim. He that removeth !lanes, !hall hurt himlelfe thereby:and hecharcutterh wood flullbe in danger thereby. vfnd ifthiJ have offi•d•d,they halle nor to goe forth of the Princes light, not !land in anevill china: for he will doe what-ever pleafeth him; but r4th<r ifrhe fpirirofhim chat rulerh rife Ec.8.:. l!c . 1o.8. Ec. I0.9. Ec.S+ up again!l rhem,by gendenelfe pacific great fins. ' E<.>o., . E r more publikt~l· Regard 11~ Superi•uri in{:/:;::;, . §. to. T•hiJft!lorv- required >,Corn,.lr<e. Equ•!J. ' Sobjefls,iR rejpt<11J' 1 {lcitiJ,il · Tnfiriours { l•JI mllinttnanctof'"""""' l mort privAti focittJ, pr~pritty. . 'I'rutb offritndfoip. I~ rtfpti1oftlttmftlvts,he req•irti a•e regArd •/ dtgrm: 'lllhtthtr offop<rioui's, The nc.h 111lerh the poore;anJ as rhe fining pot is foelilver, and the furnace for gold fo IS every man tried according eo his dignity ; fo .u they that come from t~ holy ~lace be not forgotten in the Cicy, where they have done right: or whtther ,j 1•fmoun;for, Apoore man, it he oppreffe the poore, is like a raging raine that lea- ~ mh no food : JtA (/tjftthe• •Ptrt/!M) He that defpiferb his neighbour, is both a finner, Pr.u 7. Pr. 17.:u• J!c.S. , o, p,, ;~::~::::}