SALOMONS B OECONOMICK.s. OR FAMILIE. "' '" il the head,A#d guideofthefomily;' lr11oho, wirdome i~ good with an inheritance: for Through wifdome an houfe is builded and ellablifhed: which direfls him 11 d~t •llthings;,. due order;jir{t,to prepare his work witbour,1n.d then after, to build his houfr; •n~ there withJl•yednt(fr.For,asa btrd that wandreth from her nelt,fotsaman p,, that wandreth from his own place; .wd(which isthechief JI•J •f hil He that troubleth his ()WO houfe (by exotffi) !hall inherit the be fecvaot to the wife in heanj.r whichpurp•fo he fba!lfind, that Ec.7.1J. Pro:.-f•3· Pr, IJ. If, The houfe of the righteous lh•ll have much_ tre~fure, ":'hile the revenues of the wicked is but trouble: DrifnDt much;ytt Better ts almle wtththe feare ofthe Lord, then great treafure, and trouble therewith : Hw(oever, therefore, ltt him 6e tDntentwith hil D Let theLambs be li1fficient for his cl?athing,~nd let the Goats be thel?rice ~f p,,,, , 6 . bisfidd. Let the mtlk ofhts Goatsbefuffictentfot hts food, forthefGod ofhts famt· .,., 7 .,. Jy,and thefultenanceofhis maids: •ndifhe h•ve m•ch rtVtn11e,ltt him l"k for m11ch exptnct.FIT, When goods increafe,theyare incr.afed that eat them : and whatgood commeth to the owners th<reof, but the beholding thereofwith their eyes~ E THE HUSBAND. ~Wi{t!J, §, 1. Wh.. eufl bear him (elf Ch•JIIy, !J!!jctly,•ndcheerfoUy. HE that findeth a wife, findeth agood thing, & receiveth favour ofthe Lord: Who mufl therefore behave himfolfi, r.Wiftiy, M the guide ofher youth: as the Headto which01CisaCrowne. 2.Ch•jl/y,Drink the water ofthineown Ciltern, and the rivers out ofthe middelt ofthine own Wdl. The matrimo»ia/1 I••" muft hepure 111d elm,nil mudd1 ••a troubled ; Let thy fountains flow forth, and the rivers ofwaters in the ftr<etl;the [.. m & e~mfortaHe fruits ofblejftd mariage,inplenti. fuU i./foe: Bot let them be thine alone,aod not the ltrangers with thee. ThiJ love abidts n•p.,tners: f~r thiswere to give thine honour unto others, &thy llrtngth ro the cruel;fo lhould the ftranget be filled with thy ftrength,&(as thefub{tance wiU bewith the ajfelliD»<)thy labours fhoold be in the houfe of a ltranger; and thou fhalt mourn (which iJ the heft fmef!e hemf) at thine end, when thou hall confumed (btjides the V ,.d, Pr.t8.u, Pr.1.17. Pr,a,._ Pr.f,lf, Pr. f . It ,