Salomons Oeconomickf. ( 219 A City: fo lh<( mt flaying to be (iUicittd)caught him by the ntck ,a~d kiffed him. and with P,.,,.• s. ao impudent face fa id unto him,! have the flelh ofpeace-offcnngs 1 (both t"d chtar, 1 ;,;:::;;: andReligionprttendtd)this day have l paid my vowes:therefore I came fonh,on pur- l P'·'·'•· p•fe to m«tther, that I mightearnetlly feek thy face, sfaUothtrs; and now, ho»> "'·7·'f· happy am 1, that I have founo thee! I have decked myb~d with ornaments,wirhcur· p,_,.••. taines,and !!rings of.IEgypt:I haveperfut~~ed my bed with Myrrh,A_Ioes,and Cmna- h,.,,. mon,that we may/ye (•mt; Comc,goe,let us take our fill oflovcs,u?ull the morpmg, p,_,_. 8 . let us tuke our pleafur< in dalliaoceiftar nothing,For my husband ts not at home, he p,_, ,, 9 • isgone a journey farreoff, neithtr »t<dtjlthoull d•uiJt hiJ returnt; for, he harh taken withhimabagoffilver, and will come home at his fer day: foontr htcannor, thM f!>e [aid: what f•Rowtd?By theabundance.ofthe f we~tneff~ ofher fpoec_h,lhe caufcd hun Pr.7.!o, Pr.7 u. Pr.J.U. Pr.7.13 . Er.u 1, Pqo 1I,iJ. ~;::~:;~:} Pr.:tr.:z.i. Ec.4·9· Pr. J.7,1 9 . B to yedd: and with the flattery ofher hps, fl1e cnuced hun; and Clratghnvayes he followes her, as an Oxe goeth to the flaughrcr, and as a fool to the !locks for correction, till aDart !hike thor<nV ~~Live~, the fi•'.!f h~ luft : or as aj:>ird hatleneth to the foare, and knoweth notthat u ts agau1ft hts own hfe:, And whtn her""'· bandrtltlrnts, lhe wipeth her mouth and faith, I have not committed iniquity. ( z.) She is dutijNil•ndobtdient; by a fofr anfwerappeafing wmh: ,., hatefull;for whom, a whole world is moved;nDI Jlr~~bms,not q••rrtllotl4: for, the contentions (Andbraw. lings) ofawile, arelikea continuall dropping in the day ofraine : a difcomfort tctht hwband; .rottingtotheboufo.S•, lt is better to dwell in a corner of the houferop,then with acontentious woman in a wide houfc. .1ndthough,for ficitty, Two be better chen one;ytt It is betterro dwelblone in the Wilderne!Je, then wirh a contentious C and angry woman.For htreiTJ M hisgritft CA,nDI beavoyded, fo his fb.,.,ec.n,., bt tonceived.For, He thor hideth her,hideth tbe wind; aod lhe is as oyle in his right hand, ''·'7-'6• that utterech it!elfe. D (Labollrf, J Bt~rgt~ines, flnhe;orr!llt, ' ~Htrfo/fo, perfon; l Libtrallpr• · The poore, { A mons, , vifi•»for ~Hmb•nd, §.4.ThtgDidhouft. ~\ Htrfamily, S wift{Prv 31 )fit . trvAnts. forth 1.. htr . Lln thto'lltr·Jight of her f•mily. ., Spmbu, Difpojition. • 3·s He is m".toverprudmt, ~nd d_ifcreer. A wife woman buildeth her houfe, but "'·••·•· rh~ foohlh deftroyet~ 1t wtth he~ own bands: and as a ring ofgold in a P..u,.,. f•11nes f?out/o 1s a fatr woman whtch Jacketh difcrerion+ LAjlly.fhe isc•re· f•ll and_h•ufo·wift./rke;(o as She wtlldoe her husband good,and not evill,all the days P•.p u. ~;.~~~~~~oft';;i~;x::O~~;::;.~~~;(r~~"~;~~~~:b~~~:~;~;:;r:~~·::~itefc~~ ;;,·;; ; ;: yet mghr: She g~rderh her loynes with Clrength, and Clrengtheneth her armes. She 1 ~'·l '-' '· putteth her hands to the wheele, and her hands handle the fpindlt : ., whethtr to htr ";'·3 '·' 9 • b.rg•ints; She confidmt~ •. field,and getteth it, and with the fruit of her h;nd 01: p;:;:::!: plaotetha Vmeyard.She ts hke the ShipofMerchaots, fl1e bringeth her food from "'·!'-''' farre:lhe fecleth that hermerchandife isgood,her candle is not put out by night : !he "'·!•·••· ma~erh lheets and fclleth them,and giveth girdles unto theMerchants; or whttber to htr lrbtr•l pr~'llijion;Forhtr h-. band, who is known in the gates( by her nwfim•ifhtng) P<.J<.>l· whe~ he fits With the Elders ofthe Land: z.For her [ti/,She maketh her fdfcarpm, fine lm~eoand purple ts hergarmenr: 1.For htrftrvA•ts,She feareth not the fnow for Pt.jlo!l• Pr.J I. ~,t. Pr.J 1.:z.O• her r.• mtly,for all het family is clothed with Scatltl! Forthtpoor, She (lreccheth out her hands to the poore,and pu~reth forth her hands to the need) :For htro'tltr·fight ~j htrf.,miJ!Shc g1verh the poruoo to her houlhold,and the ordinary (orflint •fwork J Pr•.,. •f· ~o her maid!: lhe over.feeth the wayes of her houlhold,and eateth oor the bread of p,, 1 ,_, 1 . tdlenetre.For htr JPttchts1Cheopcneth her mouthwith wifdome,and the law ofgrace Vz . ~