220 \ Salomons Oeconomickf. ~ is in h<r tongue. Lafllt,Strcngthand honour is her clothing, and in the lacrerDJy fhc A Ec.J'-'•· lhall rejoyce. So worthy foe is in .a thefe, that her ownchildren unnlt c.nt•m, hut rife p,, 1 ,_, 8 . up and call herblcffcd;md her husband !hall praife her,.ndf4y,Many daughr<rs have p, ·l ,.,9 . done vertuoufiy,but thou fi~rmountell: themall: Favour IS dcccitfull , and beauty is Pr.;t-JO· 'Pr.Jr )I• Pt,t7·'· ?r.q. n. Ec t,.t8 . Ec. l,I!J• Ec.~.u. Ec.r.1;. Ec.t.8. Pr.1 7.!1o l'r.u..6. !'r.3 1+• Pr,n.J5• Pr.1;.q. Pr. ::.~ . Ji· l'r.4·J · Pr. l9.l7· '>r,19.18. fr. l9·'9· iC. :~:~~} Pr.::. ; .lf. Pr.,9. 13. Pt.l9-3rr.:.l,::.S', ~f-l ' · ' · Pr.t t:. ~~~~~~~-} Pr.;o.t t. l'r.::.o,:o. Pr.1s ,10. vanity;but awoman that fcareth the Lord ;lhe !hall be prJifed: Since thtrefirefoe is fo roell-deferving, Give her ofthe fruit ofher own hands, and let her own works praife her. PARENTS. { Pro<Jifion, §. 5, Who""' to their rhitdren, tnflruilion, C~rrtt-?ion. B P -!rtnts And children art the ntxtp•ir; which doegive much joy to tach other: <;hildrcns children are thecrowne ofthe Elders, and the-glory ofthe children arc their fathers: TD ,.bich purp•ft,tht Partnto111t1h tot he child, r. Provifton.A good man (ball give inheritance to his childrcns children. All the labour, wherein he hath travellcd,hc 01allleaveto the man that lbal be aft<r him. And who knowcth whether he /hall bo wife or foolilh~yct lhall he rule over all his labour,wherein he haeh laboured,and lhewed himfclfe wife under the Sunne. Here are thertfort tw• grof!e vanities which I have fcen: the one, There is one alone,and there is not a fecond, which bath neither fonne nor brother: yet there is none end of his travel!, neither can his eye be fatisfied with riches;neither doth he thin_k, For whom doe I travell, and defraud my foule of pleafure~ The ether contrary ; nches rtferved to the owner thereof for their C evil!. And thefe riches perilh in his evillbuftru:fie; and he begetteth a fonne, and in his hlnd is nothing. z. Jnfirutlion •ndg.,dedt~&ation: for, He that begetteth a foole (rohethern•turally,~rbt ill breedi•r,) begetteth himfelfe farrow, and the father of a foole canhave no joy. And therefore, Teach a child in the trade ofhis way,and when he is old,he (ballnotdepartfrom it. 3.Correttion:He that fpareth his rod,hateth his foone: but he that loveth him, chall:eneth b:time; for foolitbnelre is bound in the heart of achild: the rod ofcorrettion !hall drive it from him : 1", there is Jtl grt•t btntptofduechaflifiment,for, The rod and correction give !if<: buta child fet atliberty,makeshis mother (who i< commonly f••ltt this WAJ} olbamed 1 J<A, mm tkm ji>AoJt, death •nihelt folio., to the child upon indulgence : (MIJ) If thou fmite himwith'the rod he Oull not dyc:lfrhou fmit< him with the rod,thou O~alt deliver his foule f;om 0 hell'. Though thy fonne thmfore be tender and dear in thy fight; Corrett him,and he will give thee rell:,aod will give pleafures to thy foule: whtrtfort, C hall:en him while there is ho~; and letnotthy foule fpare, to his defiruttion. The fonne that is ofa great fiomack, lhall endure punithment: and though thou deliver him , yef thou fl1alttake himin hand again<. CHILDREN; r {Injlru{Jions: I oludunceto CommAnJementr: §. 6, 'I'hm dutiu) Submijrm t1 correll,.n. ~c s•Jthm PArents ejlatt, E ar1 ~ofthtiT DwncArriagt. AWife Sonne rejoyceth the father,•nd the fathet of the righteous !hall greatly rejoy«;,.hma the foolith is the calamity of his Parents: Contr.<r.ly, Ifthou be a w1fe fonne, or lovefi wifdome,thy bther and thy mother !hall be glad, and 01e that bare thee tball rejoyce. Sueh •n one u,firjl, obed;ent ; fu, a wilie fonne will heare And obey the inflruttion ofhis father, and not forfake his morhers teaching ; JtA, intv ery e~mmAnd, he will obey him that begot him, ond not defpife his mother when Ol< isold ; not u!M Alrj •ce•fwn curjing his PareNts(.u there is ageneration that cloth:) for, He that curfeth his father, or mother, his light !hall be put out in obfeme darkneffe; nil moekiPg And (<.,ning tbemdir, Tbe eye that mackrth his f1· ther,&dtfpifeth the infiruC!ion ofhis mother, the Ravens oftheValley (b~ll pick it I our,