iL I s.l I I. Salomons Oeconomickf. r 221 A our and theyoung Eagks eat it: and notobtdimtto CDunfiO1nl;, but tlj/ripu, He that ;;;:;.:;:--- hat~th correCiion,isa foole: and he that r<gardcth it,is prudent. Fir, thofe correai- ~;·> ·'· onstlmare forinflruCiion,arethewayoflile: thmfore, he that haceth them fball p;:~.~t dye. Sttondl; ,carrfit!lb11h 1, oftheir ejl.ttt: He that robbeth his father and mother,and "'-<po. faith it is no tranfgreffion, is a companion ofaman thar deftroyerh ~and 2.. Dfhi& own Pr.:z.S.1.4. &Arriagt: for, a lewd and fbamefull child deflroyeth his father,and chafethaway his p,,, 9 , 6 . mother. Let therefore even the child fl1ew himfdfe to be known by his doings, P<.>o.u. whether his work be pure and :ight: fo his fathers teynes fhall rejoyce, when he fpeaketh, and doth righteous things. P<., 1 .r6. THE MASTER, AND SERVANT. B Provident fo.r hi1 (trvant. (The M•{ler m•ft beeS ~too fe'*"• I (N., §. 7·~ 110 fAmiliar. I {F aithfnO, \..Tbt ServAnt maft !Ju Dilittnt. THe firvant iJ ••fmaOcommodity to hi/ M.{ler. He that is defpifed, and hath a fervam ofhisown,is better then he that boafis(..hether ifGmtry,or IVtAith)& wanteth bread. The M after, therfore, muft provide fulliciency of food for ttis family,& fu!lenance for his matds: ,.h, alfo .u he may not h Wtr-rigorosl4 in p•nijhlng, C or noting offences~Jometimts not hearing his fcrvaot,that curfeth himft nqt tDD fomitiar; for he that delicately bringeth up his fervant from his youth , at length he will be as his fonne.He muj/therefore be fomttimes fivert, mort then inrtbuktr; (For, A fervant wil not be cha!lifed with words:and though he under!l:and,yet he wil not regard) yet (o"' he have refptfi ever to hiJgooddtfervings: A difcreet fervaot fhal rule overa lewd [on: and h'e fball divide the heritage among his brethren. In anfwtr ,.hereto, the g80d firvant m*fl befaithfullumo hiJ M•fter;As the cold offoow in the tiroe ofharveft,fo is a faithfull meffenger to them that fend him, for he refrefbeth the foule ot" his Ma. !ler. A wicked melfenger falleth into evill:but a faithful Ambaffador is prefervation; and:. diligent,whtthtr jn chargt1Be diligent to know thee!late ofthy tlock(or rather, the face ofthy cattell)and rake heedto the beards : or in hiJ atttnd•nu, He that kee. D peth his Fig-tree,fball eat ofthefruitofit; fo he thatcarefoUy wa.iteth on his Ma!ler, fball come to honour; whtreco•trarily, i• both theft, AsVineger to theteerh, and fmoke to the eyes:fois a flor-hfull Meffenger to them that fend him. FINIS. Pr.u.9. Ec.7.1J· Pr.:.9-u. Pr.17.:.. Pr.:r.f.IJ, Pr.r;.rr. Pr.tO,t6.