~ \ The EpijlleVedi'!toy_· - ----:---I 1whole Pail:orall-marriage-fong (for fuch it is) is no other! then one Allegoryfweetly continued: where the deepefl: things ofGod are fpoken in Riddles , how can there be but obfcurity and diverfe conftruCl:~on ~ All judgements will not(I know) fubfcribe to my fenfes; yet I have been fearfull and fpiritually nice, not often ditTeming fi·om all Interpreters; alwayes, &om the unlikeliefi:. It would be too tedious to give my account for every line; let the learned fcan and judge. VVhat-ever other cenfures be, yom Honours was favourable,and (as to all mine) full oflove and incouragement. That, therefore, which it pleafed .you to allow &om mypen, vouchfafe to receive from the PretTe ; more common, not letTe devoted to you. VVhat is there ofmine that doth not joy in your name, and boafi: it felfe in ferving you~ To whofefoule and people, I have long agone addiCtedmy fdfe,and my labours,and ihall ever continue "lour Lordjhips,inall humble aud unfoined duty, Ios.HALL, -"