.( I iSALOMONS . SONGS PARAPHRASED. OF Dialogue. 'I' he church to c" RI s T. 1.LII him kijfe me with the kifes •fhumwh;for thy l•ve is bmer then wint. ',:;~-c ·. H that he would bellow upon me the comfortable reftimonies ofhis love, C (! ' ' and char he would vouchfafe me yet a neererconjun6tion with himfclf; I as in glory hereafter,[o for rhe mean rime in his fenfible graces ! For thy love,O my Saviour,and thefe fruits of it, are more fwetr unto me , then a eart y ddicares can hero the bodily tafte. ~. Btc••fe•fthe (avDur oftby good 1ynt111ePis, t~y namei< it4 an oyntmentplwrtdlut: therefore the Virgins /we thet. Yea fo wonderfully pleafantare rheflvoursofthofe graces char are in thee,wherewith I' ddiie to be endued, char all whom rhou haft bleffed wirh the fenfe thereof, make as high and dear accouhr ofrhy ~ofpell,wher~by theyare wroughr,as offome p«cious oinrmenr,or perfume:rbe dehght whereof IS fuch, thar(hereupon) rhe pure D and holy fou!es ofrhe faithfull place their whole affe6tionupon thee. 3· Draw me,we 1viUrun•fter thee: the King bath hr~•ght mein11 hu &ham&trs,wtwiU rtjDJct, and begladin thee: wewill remember thy l1ve, mDrt then rrine, the rightwu doe lwtthtt. Pull me rher<fore out from the bondageofmy finnes: deliver mefrom rhe world, and doe thou powerfully incline my will and affc6tions toward thee: and in fpighr ofall tenrations, give me fttongth to cleave unto rh«; and rhen both I, and all rhofe f•ithlull children rhou haft given mee, fuall all at once with fpeed and earneftneffe walk to rhee,and with thee: yea, when once my Royal! and glorious Husband harh brought me both into rhefe lower rooms ofhis fpiritulll treafures oncltth, and into B his heavenly ch1mbers ofglory, then will we rejoyceand be glad in bone, but rhee, which fualc be all in all to us: then will we celebrate and magnifie thy love above all the pleafures we found upon emh; for all ofus thy righteous ones, both Angels and Saims,are inflamed wich the love of thee. 4·' am black, 0 daughteruf Imtfolem,butcomtly : lfI bt it4 tht ltnls •JKedar, yet I am M tht c•rtainsofSalomoo. Never upbraid me (0 ye forrain congregations) that I feem in ourward appea· rancedifcoloured by my infirmities,and duskifu with cribulations : for whatfoev<r I f«m to you,lam yet inwardly well-favoured io the eyes of him whom I feek to pleafc ; and though l be co you black, like the rents ofthe Arabian fuepherds ; yet to him,aod in bim,I amglorious and beautifull,like the Curtaines of S•l•m•n. 5· Re arli