Parttphrafed. moll comfortable fcnt1 fo his lovc,laid clofc unto my heart, doth fiili give me comiA nuall and unfpeakablc refrdhiogs. 1 3• MJ o>tN-btlwed u,. • dujierof CJp~>ant• mt .lmong the 'UintJif E~getldy. Or ifanything can be ofmore excellent vmuc,. fuchfmdl as the clufiers ofCy• pers berr~s, within the fruirfulfi, ploafantft, and ncheft Vmeyards and gardens of Juda:a, ye'l:ldunto the paffcngers; fuch and more ddeetable doe I find the favour of his grace to me. CHRIST. 1~. r.J'>fJ Love,~ehotd,thiMArl f•irt,thint <JtsArt tile the DD'Uts: B NEither doell thou on mY parr lofc anyofthy love, 0 my dear Church : for behold,in mine eies,thusclothed as thou art with my rightcoufneffc, oh how fa ire and a Jorious thou art ! how above all comparifon glorious and faire ! Thineeyes which arc thy fccrs, (Prophets, Apoftles, Minifiers) and rhofe inward eyes,whor;by thou fceft hiJn that i• invifible, arc full ofgracc,chafiity,fimplicity• ThtCh11r<h. '5· r.J'>fJ weD hellvul,bthlld, thiu ANfoir awtlplt•fsnt:alfo1ur i>ed iJ gmn. NAy then(0 my fwect Saviour and Spoufe) thou alone art that faire and pleaCamone indccd,from whofe fulnetfc I confetfe to have received all this little meafurcof my fpirituall bcaory: and behold, froll) this our mutual! delight, C and heavenly conjunction, there arifeth a plentiful! and fl~urifhing incrcafe of thy faithfull ones in all places,and through all ttmes. D I6. The bt4mtt o[1ur ho•ft art Cedar<,lurgaUerits are •f Fir re. Andbehold,the congregations ofSaiots,theplaces where we do fweetly converfo andwa:k together,are both firme and during(like Cedars amongft tbo trees)~ot fubje~, throughthy protecting grace, to uttercormption; and through thy favourable acceptation and word (like to galleries offweet wood) full of pleaJure and cont~ntment. CK AP. II. CHRIST. 1. I amthe R•fe ofthejitltl,and thtLiUit~fthe..,alltys. DHouhall not without juft caufe magnifiedme, 0 my Chuteh: for, as the fairefi and fwcmft ofall Ao.wers which the earth yeeldeth, the Rofc and Lilly . ofthe valleyes, excel! for beauty, for pleafurr,for ufe,thc moll bafe and odious w<cds that gro1v:fo doth my grace,toall them that have fdt the fweetnes thcreof,furpa!fe all worldly comentmems, ~.Like a Lilly aml»t the thmm,fo iJ my Lovtamlngt'f>e aAMg6ters. Neither is this my dignity alone: but chou,O my Spoufe(thatthou maift bee a fit E march for me)art thus excellent above theWorld;that no Lilly can bemore in goodly !hew beyond the naked thorne, then thou in thy glory thou reccivefi from mee, overlookcfi all the atfembliesofaliens and unrcgenorates. Thechvth. 3· Like tht Apfl<-lrtt.,,n,{1/.e trm•fthtfomp,fo il "'1 sotl-ltl•11tdAmugt/,e fo•s •Jmt!l: untler hu Jb•dow had itltlight, And Jatt~l•wwt; and hil fr•ilru< {wttt•»" my "''"'"· ANd (to return thine own praifes) as fome fruitfull and wcll-growne Appletree ,Ill companfoo ofall the barren rtees ofthewilde forreft, fo arr tbou(O my bdoved Saviour)tome,incomparifonofall men,and Angds ; underthy X comforqble\