Cent.!. A mull befound in both;or elfewe fhall.be drunken with p(e,afures, and overwhelmed with forrow. As thofe, rhereforr, which fhould earJome dilh oyer-ddicipuHy fw7er doe allay itwith ratt f~wcr, that theymay no\be cl~yed:and thofe th~t are to,tfcet~~ bitter pills(that they may not be annoyed wnh thetr unplealiag rafte) row~ them tn Sugar: So in all pleafurcs iris bdt to labour,not ho•vto make them moQ<jehghtfull , bur how to moderate them fromexcdfe: and inall for(owcs,fo to fettle our h~a~~ in rrue grounds ofcomfott,rhatwe may ootcare.fo m~ch forbc(9gbemoanedofothers, as how to be moft contented inour felves. i , . . d 89 I' ~ In wayes,we fee Ttlvellers chufe not the fJireft,ana greeneft; ifir be either cro!te or contrary;butthe neereft,rhough miry and unevep:fo,inopinions,let me follOW, !lot B rhe plaufibkft,but the trueft,though mqre perplexed. ,, ., :, '. 90 Chrifrian fociery is like abundle offricks laid together, wherdlfon~ kindles another. Solitary men have feweft provocations to evill; gut againe fewcft incirarions 10 good.So much,as doing good,is better then nordoingevill, will {account ChriO:ian good fellowfhip better then an Eremirifh and melancpp~ike loiir:frineffe. 1 { 91 . . I had rather confeffemy ignorancr, then faHiy profeffe knowledge:rr is no fhanie, not to know all things,bur icis a jufr fhame to over-rea~h in anything. ,, 1 1 •. 9' '. ' . Sudden extremity is anotable trial! offaith, or any other difpolitiqn of thcfoule. C Forasinafuddeofeare,thebloud garherstothe heart, for gu:mi)Qg of that part which is principal!: fo the powers ofthe foul combine themfdves in an hard exigent, that they may be e:llily judged of. The faithfull (motF fuddenl~ , r)len any cafualty) can lift up his heart to his ftay in Heaven< Wher,as die \Vorldlfog lt~n.cfs amazed,~nd dilhaught with the evill; becaufe he bath no refuge to llie unto. For~ nor being ¥cq·uainted with God in his peace, how fhould he burhave him to .feek iri his eittremi. ue! When therefore fome fudden llirchgirds me in the fide, like \O bethe m~a;eo,ger ofdeath; or when the fword ofmyenemy,in an unexpected alfault,threatens myJ>ody; I will ferioullynotehow lam affeeted:fo the fuddeneft evil!, as it fhall not c,O'me unlooked for, fhall not goe away unthought of. If I finde my felfe couragious, and heavenly minded, I will rejoycein the truth ofGods gl'ace in me;.kno.\ving that one D dram oftried faith is worth a who!.<: pound of fpecularive; and that, which once ftood by me,will never fail me:lfdejeeted and hearrleffc,hercio I will.acknowledge caufe oihamiliation;and,with allcare and earneftncffe,feek to fto'f my felfc.againft the dangers following. , . ' ' :rhe Ruksofcivill policy may well b~ 3applied to the minde 1 A~~herefore far a Pnnce,that he may have good fucceffe againfr either Rebels, or forrain enemies, it is a fu_re axiome,Divide .,,(JR•Ie: but when he isoqce feared in t,he Th~qne overlqyall fubjetls, Ynite•nd Rule: fo,in the regimentofthe foule,there mull: be variance fct in the Judgement, and the confcienceand affections; ~~t1 that w-1Jich1\s1~m!~7 . !JW' ;be lubdued: but,whenall parrs arebrought to ord~~ 'G ts !he only , l:pp\~C. C?,",!~'Htal~e E theu peace; rhat,all fee~ing toeftabhfh and hc!pe,cq.q!her,th~ whqle tiJaY ~!~(pp. Alwayesto beatwarre, IS defperat~; alw.ayes at peacr, fecure, apd ovey-'Epicute:lik~? I doeacc~~nta fecure peace,a ju[\9F.Rlion ofrhis,Gi~i!~~ilfem,io.~ my,ldfe,_; arid a true C~nlha~ peacr,the endofallmy (ecret warres: whtch wlim I h'ave atC,htey:ed;I fhall tclgneWlthcomfort;and never w.ill be quie> sill I have atchioved ir. • 94 I I brought linne enough with me into the wQ,tr'fl to repent o(ill mY, life,though I fhould never atlually linne: and fin enoughactually every day,to.Corrow for ,though I had brought none with me into the world: but I;Jyicig both5\lllether,my rime is r 1ther_ too fhortfor my repentance. It were madnelfe in me to tpc,ixl my whole life in Jolhryand pleafure,whereof! have fo [mall occalioo:and neglect the opportunity of my fo JUftforrow:efpecially,lince before I came into the World,! Gnned; after I am C gone