Me'ditatlortr and Jio-wes. Cent. L · ~one out oftheworld,the contagion ofmy finne pafi,lhall adde to theguilt ofit:yet, 11 tn both rh~fe efiar.s,Iamuncapable of r<~rance.I will do that while I may,which, when I have negleeted,is unrecovaable. 95 Ambition is tormentenough for an enemy.For,itaffords as much difcontentmenr in enjoying,asin want;making men like poyfoned Rats:which when they have raGed oftheir bane,cannot reft,till they drink;and then_canmuch ldfe reft, till their death. It is better for me to live in the wife mens ftocks,tna contentedwant; rhea in a fools Paradife,to vex my !elfwithwilful! unquietnelfe. 96 It i$ not pollible but a conceited man mu(! bea fooi.For,that over.weeningopinion he barb of himfelf,excludes all opportunity ofpurchafing knowledge.Ler a veffd be B once full ofnever fo bafe liquor,ir will not give room to the coftlieft;but fpils befide, wharfoever is infufed.The proudman,though he be empty ofgood fubftance,yer is fullofconceit.Many men had proved wife, iftheyhad nor fo rhoughr themfelves. I am empty enough to receive knowledge enough; I,er me think my felfe but fo bare as I am,and more I need not. 0 Lord,doe thou reachme howlittle, hQW nothing I ha'fe;andgive me no more,then I know I want. ' 97 Everyman harh his turne offorrow:whereby (fome more,fome ldfe) all men are In rheirtimcsmiferable. I never yet could meet with the man that complained nor of fomewhat.Before farrow come,{will prepare forit:when it is come, I will welcome it:when itgoes,lwill rake but halfea farewellofir;as tlillexpeaing his returne. c 98 Th<re bethree things that follow an injury fo far as it concerneth our fdvcs; (for, as the.,ffet!ceroucheth God, it is above ourreach) Revenge, Cenfure, Satisfaction; which mull be remitted ofthe mercifull man. Yet not all at all rimes:but revenge allvay.s,leaving it to him that can , and will doe it : Cenfure oft.times 1 SatisfaCtion (omerimes. He that deceives me oft, though I mull forgive him, yet charitybindes me not,notrocenfure himforuntrully;and he that hath endammagcd me much,can· not plead breach ofchariry,in my feeking his refiitution. I will fo remit wrongs,as I may not encourageothers to olfcrthem;and fo retainthem, as I may not induce God to retaine mine to him. 99 Garments that have once one rent in them,are fubjel:t to betornon everynail,and every bryar;and glaffes,that areonce crackt,arefoon broken:fuch is mans good name once tainted with juft reproach. Next tothe appwbation ofGod,and the tefiimony ofmineown confcicnce, I will feek for agood reputation amongll men:not byd ole cariage concealing faulcs,rhat they may not be known to my l])ame: bur avoid in~ all vices,that I may not deferve it. Thed!icacy ofthe agenr,is in the Patient well difpofed. It is hardforme ever to doe good,unlell'e I be reputed good. J lOO "' D Many vegetable, and many brute cr<atur.s exceed man io length ofage: Which bathopened the months ofHeathen Philofophersto accufe Nature,as a llep-mother to Man; who bath given himtheleall timcrolive,thatonely couldmake ufe of his E rime, in getting knowledge. But herein Religion doth moll magoifie God, in his wifedome and jufiice; reachibg us, that oth~tures livelong, aod perilh to nothing,only Man recompenc.s the lbormeffe of1Jis life, with eternity after it1 that the fooner hedie& well,the fooner he comes to perfedion ofknowledge,which he might , in vain feek below:the fooner he di.sill,rhe leffe hurt he doth with his knowledge. There isgreat rea!bn then,why man lhould live long;greater, why he lbould die early.lwilnever blame God, for making mee too foone happy;forchanglng my ignorance,for knowledge; my corruption , forimmortality ; my infirmities, for perfeaion. Clmt L1rd It{ m, ' ·"'"IJ•i<*t;. FIN IS.