Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

TO THE RIGHT ; VERTVOVS AND VVORsHIPFuLL LADlE, THE /r' Ladie D R u a Y, all increafe ofGrace. 11 -· A o A M E, I know your Chriil:ian ingenuity 1 fuch, that you will not grudge others the I communication ofthis your private right: . - which yet I dudl not have prefumed to ad~ ' venture, if! feared that either the benefit of -- it would be leffe, or the acceptation. Now it {hall be no leffe yours: onely it !hall be more known to be yours. V ouchfafe therefore to take part with your worthy Husband,ofthefe myfimple Meditations. And ifyour long and gracious experience have written you a larger volume ofwholefome Lawes, and better informed you by precepts fetcht fi·om your own feeling, then I can hope for, bymy bare [peculation: yet where thefe mynot unlikely rules !hall accord with yours,let your redoubled affem allo\v them,and they confirm it. I made them not for the eye, but for the heart : neither doe I commend them to your reading, but your praCtice: wherein alfo it fhall not be enough that you are ameerand ordinary agent,but that you be apattern propounded unto others imitation. So {hall your vertuous and holy progreffe, befides your own peace and happineffe, be my Crown and rejoycing,in the day ofour common appea~ ranee. Haijled. 'Decemb. 4· Your L. humbly devoted, ]os . HALL. 17