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z8 Meditations t~nd J'qwes. Cent.I I. bly jealous ofthofe mrn,which from notorious lewdneffcleapat once into a fudden A forwardnrffe ofprofeflion.Holineffe cloth not,like JonM gourd,gtow up in anight, I like it better, rogoe on, foft and fure, then for an hally fit to runne my fdfeour of winde;and after ftand ftill andbreatheme. . 79 lthath been faidofold ;'l'o do well,andheare ill,is Princdy. Which as it ismoft true,by reafon otihe ~vy which foll~ws UJ>?D juftice: fois~he contrary noleffe juftified, by many expenmems. Todolll,aodro hearewell, 1s the fathiooof many great men, To doe ill,becaufe they are born our with the affutance ofimpunity : To hear well,becaufe ofabuodance ofParafires; whichas Ravens to acarkaffe, gather aboutgreat men.Neither is there any fo greatmifery in greatoeffe as this,that it con. B ceales men from themfdvcs,andwhen they will nreds have a fight of their ownatlions il !hews them afalfe ghlfe to look in. Meannelfe offtate (that I can find)hath non'efo gtea~ioconvenience.I am nowhit forry,thar I am rather fubjeCl to conrempt, then flattery. So There is no earthly bleflin1: fo precious,as health ofbody:withour wbich,all other worldlygood t~s are but troublefome.Ndther is there any thing more difficult, then to havea g foulc, in a ftroog andvigorous body (for, it is commonly feen, that the worfe parr drawes away the better:)But to have ~n healthfulland found foul in a weak fickly body,is no oovclty;whilesth~ weaknelfe of the bedy is an help to the foule; playing the part of aserpetuallmonitor; to incite it to good' and check it for evill.I will not be over-gla ofhealth,nor over-fearfull officknelfe. I will more c fearrhe !pirimall hurt,thatmay follow upon health,thenthebodily pain that acco.m· paniesficknelfe, 8r There isnothing more troul>lefome to a good minde,theo to doe nothing.For,befides the furtherance ofourcftare, the mind cloth both ddight, and better it felfwith exercife. Thereis but this diffmnccthen betwixt labour and idleoelfe; that labouris a profitable and pleafanttrouble:idlenelfenroubleboth uoprofitab)e and comfort. leffe. I willbe everdoing fomcthin~ that either God when he commeth , or Satan when he tempterh,may find me bu ted. And yet, li11ee(as the old proverb is)better it is to be idle then ef!CCl nothing; I will not more hate doing nothing, then doing fomething to no purpofe.I !halldoegood,but awhile; let me firiv..: to doe ir, while D I may. 82 Afairhfull manbaththree eyes!Thelirlloffenfc:,cnmmon to himwithbrute crca. tures: the fecond of reafon,common to all men: the third offaith, proper to his pro. frflion:whereofeach looketh beyond other; and noneof them medleth with others o~je&. For,neither cloth theeye offenfe ~each to. intelli~ible things and matters of dt~courfe: nor ~heeye ofreafonto ~hofe thmgs whtch are upernaturall and fpiriruall: neither doth f:uthlook down,tothmgs that may be fe~fibly feen. If thou difcourfe to abrutebeaft ofthe depths ofPhilofophy,oever fo plaioly,hc underftands nor, becaufc they arc beyond the view of hiseye,which is only offenfe.Ifto a meer carnall man,ofdivine thin~s;hc perc.eiveth not the things ofGod : neither indeed candoe E becaufcr~ey ar~ fpt~tually difcern~d.An~ therefo~e nowonder if.thofe things fee~ uol:kely,mcrcdtblc,tmpoflibleto htm,whtchthefatthfull man(havmg a proportional!le ~cans ofapprehenfion)dorhas plainly feo,as_his eye cloth any fcn~blc thing.Tell a plam Country-man, that tbe Sun, otfome h1gher or lelfer fiarre" much bigger then his Cart-whcele; or,ar !call, fo many fcores bigger then the wholccarrh· he lauthenhee to fcorn,as affeli!ing admiration with alearned untruth. Yet the Schol· let, yrhe eye of rcafon,dothas plainly fee ~nd acknowledge this truth as that his l)aod is big!erthenhis pea. What a thickmill, yea what apalpable, and more then ..f.g)ljltian arknrlfe,doth the oaturallman live in! what a world is there that he dmh ootfeeatall!and howlinledoth hcfeeio this, which is his proEerelement! There / is nobodily thing,but the ljrutecreaturesfee aswell as he; and omcofthem better. IJ As