TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVLL, SIR · Edmund Bacon, Knight, INCREASE OF HONOUR, ftrength ofbody, perfection of . Vcrtue. I R, There is no wife man would give his thoughts for all the world : which as they are the moft pleafingand noble bufineife of man,Being'the natdrall and immediate iifue ofthat reafon, whereby he is fevered from brute creatures: fo they are in tbeirufe mofl: . beneficiall to our [elves, and others. For, by the meanes hereof, we enjoy both God and our felves ; and hereby we make others partners of thofe rich excellencies, which God hath hid in theminde.And though i~ be mofl: eafie and fare, for aman,with the Pfalmifl: to commune with his own heart in filence ; yet is it more behovefull to the common good, for which (both and Chr.ifl:ians) we are ordained, that thofe thoughts which our experience hath found corn~ fonable and fruitfull to our [elves, fhoula (with negle(l: of all cenfures) be communicated to others. The concealment whereof(me thinks)can proceed from no other ground,but either timoroufneife, or envy. VVhich confideration hath induced me to cl oath thefe naked thoughts in plain and fim~ ple words, and to adventure them into the light, after their E fd~