Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Cent. Ill. Meditations and Vo')}Jes. Al fo (oon as forrow makos it fdfero be feen, efpecially in an unexpeCled fGrm, is fwal - lowed up in defpaire; whereas this can m<er with no occurrence, which it bath aor p evenred in thou~hr. Security and ignorance may fcatrer lame rdufe morfels_of JOY lauced with much bitterndfe;or may be hke fame boalhng houfe-keeper,whtch keePeth open doors for one day with much cheer, and lives !hrvedly all the yeere after. There is no good Ordinary bur in a goodconfcience. I piry thJt unfound joy in orhers,and will leek for this found joy in my fdfe. I had rather weep upon a ju!l CJufe,then rejoyce unju!lly. >5 As love k<epsthe wholdaw,fo love only is the breaker ofit ; being the ground, as ofall obedience, fo ofall fin; for whereas fin bath been cmnmonly accounted ro B have r1~0 roots,Love and Fear;it is plain, that fear harh his originall from love: for no man fears to lofe ought but what he loves. Here is fin and righteoufndfe brought both into a !hart [um,depending both upon one poor a!fcClion: It !hJII be my only careth<refore to beftow my love well,both for objeCl,and meafure.All that is good, I may love,but in feverall degrees;what is !imply good, abfolutdy; wharis good by circiiftaoce, only with limitarion.Th<re be thefe three things th~tl may love without exception, God,my neighbour,my foule;yet foaseach have rhe1r dueplace: My body,goods,fame,&c.as fcrvants to the former. All orh:r things I will dth'r nor care for,or hat<. >6 One w<Juld not thiok,rhot pride and bJfe-mindedne!fc fl10uld fo well agree; yea, c that they love fo together, that they never goe afunder. That envy ever proceeds from a bafe mind,is grantedofall: Now the proud man,as he fain would beenvied of orhers,fo he envierh all m,n,His bett<rs he envies,becaufe he is nor fo good as they: he envies his inferiours,becaufe he•feares they !hould prove as good as he :his equals, becaufe they are as good as he,So under big looks, he be.ues a bafe minde, rcfembling fame Cardinalsmule,which to make up therraine, beJres a cofily Port·mantle fluffed with tra!h.On the contrary,who is more proud then the bofe!l: ~ (the CJnide tramples on P/atots pride, but with a worf<) eijJecially ifhe bebut a litdeexalted; wherein we tee bafe men fo much more liaughry,as they have had lelfe before what they might be proud of.It is ju!l with God,as the proud man is bafe in himfdf, fo to makehim bofelydkemed in theeyos ofothers; ond at la!l to make him bafe without D pride.! will comemn a proud man,becaufe he i.s bafe,& pity him,becaufe he is proud. '7 Let me but have time to my thoughts;but leifure to think ofl-l,.ven,aod grace to my leifure; and I can be happy in fpight oftheworld. Nothing, but God that gives it,can bereave me ofgroce;ond he ,.m not;for his gifts are without repentance. Nothing but death canabridge me oftime; and when I begin rowam rime to think of heaven, l fhall have eternallleifure to enjoy it.l !hall be both wayes happy,notfrom any venue of apprehen!ion in me, (which have ao peer in worrhine!fe) but from the glory of that I apprehend;wherdn the afr and objefr are from the author ofhappineffd-Ic gives me this glory; let me give him the glory of his gift. !':lis glory is my happine!fe;letmy glory be his. . E . ,g God bellowes favours upon fame in anger,as he !lrikes otherfome in love: (The [fradiros had better have wanted theirQ!_ailes, then to have eaten them with fuch faue<. )And fometimes at our in!lancie removing a le !fer puniflJmenr,leaves"'greater, though in!enfible,in the room ofit.l will not fo much ftrive again!l afllifrioo, as diC pleafure.Let me rather beafllieted in love,rhen profper without ir. 29 It is !lrange :hat we men having fo cominuall ufeof God,and being fa perpetually beholdmg t? h1m,!hould be fo !lraoge to him,aod fo littleacquainted with him:fioce we account 1t a perverfe nature in any man, that being provoked with many kiode offie<s,refufes the _familiarity ofaworthy friend,which doth ftill fcek ir,andhath del ferved lt, Whence lt comes,tbaLwe are fo loth to think of our di!folution and going [0 45