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hands; butwhich ofthefe ,dares .acknowledge him, when he is going toprifonfor A debUThen thefeWafpes that madefuchmufickabowt this Gally-por,thew plainly that they cameooly for the hooy tha~was io ir.This is themif<r i ofthe wealthy,rh a' they cannot know their friends: whereas thofe that love the poor man, love him for himfdf.He that wouldchufe ahoe friend,muft fearchour one that is neither covetous nor ambitious; for fuch aone loves but himfelfin thee. And if it be rare to find any not_infec!led withqualities,rhe beftis to entertain all,and truft few. 64 That which the French Proverbe bathofficknelfes, is true ofall evills: That they horfeback, and goeaway on foot. We have oft feena fuddcn fall, or one fmfet bath ftuck by many to their graves1where.s pleafures come like Oxen, Oow and heavily,&goe away likePoft-horfes,upoo the fpur.Sorrowes,becaufcthey B are lingringguefts, I will entertain but moderately; knowing,that the more they are made of,thelongor theywill cootinue:and for pleafures,becaufe they ftay not,&doe but call to drink at mydoore;I will ufeth~maspalfengers,with flight refpec!l. He is his own beft friend,that makes leaft ofbothofthem. 65 It is indeed more commendable togive gootlexample,then to take it:yet imitation, how-ever in civill matters it be condemned offervility,in Chriftian prac!lice hath his duepraifc;& though it be more oaturall for beginners at their firft imimion,thatcao. not fwim without bladders1yet the beft proficientthall fee ever fome higher fteps of that have gone to heaven before him,worthyofhis rracing:whcrin muchcaution muftbe had;that we follow:good men,& in good: Good men, for ifwe propound C imperfec!l patterns toour felves,we !hall beconflrained firft to unlearn thofe il habits we have got by their imitation,before we can be capable ofgood:fo belid<S the lolfe oflaloour,wearefurther offfrom our<nd.In good; forthata man thould be lO wedded to any mans perfon,that he canmake no feparation from his infirmities, is both abfurdly fervile,and unchriflian. He therefore that would follow well,muft know to diftinguith well,betwixc good men,and evil11berwixt good men and better; betwixt good qualities and infirmities.Why bath God given me education,not in a D&rr alone,but in the company ofgood &vertuous men,but that by the lighcoftheir good carriage,Hhould better mine own~Why ihould wehaveiotereft in the vices ofmen, and not in their vertues ~ And although precepts be fura, yet agood mans action is according to pree<pt;yea,is a precept it fclf.The Pfalmift compar<s the Lawof GJd D a Lantern; good example bears it. It is fafe following him that carries the light: walk \Vithout the light,he lhall walk without me. 66 As there is onecommon end to all good men,falvatioo;&oneAurhor ofir,Chrift:" fothereis but one way ro it,doing well,and fuffering evill.Doiog well (me thinks) is like theZodiack in the Heaven,the high wayofthe Suo, thorowwhich it daily paf. evill,is like the Ecliptick line that goes tborow the middeft ofit•. The rule ofdoing well,the LawofGod,is uniform & eceroall;and the copies offuffering evill in all times with the originall.No man can d:her do we! or fuffer ill withlotlt ane:Karnple.J~rc we fawn in peoces~fo was E{•J· Are we beheaded~foJ•hn Bap· tifl'. Cruc:ific:d~fo Pmr:Th(own to wild beafts ~ fo Daniel. Into the furnace~ fo the E childreo.Stoned~foStevm.BaniOJed~ fo the beloved Difciplo. Burnt~ fo millions ofMarcyrs.Defamed and fiandered! whatgood man ever was not~ le wereealie to be eodlclfe both in torments andfufferers:whereofeach bathbegun toorher,all to not hope to fpeed better thrn the beft Chriftians; I cannot leare to fare no matter which way I go•,fo I co111e to Heaven. 67 There isnothing befide life ofthis nature,that it is dimihithed we live longer then other,and eachmoment that we takenout ofour life.It iocreafethanddiminitheth oy m1nur:es,ana perceived: the thorter fteps it taketh,the more 1.upon IDC,'tnat I thall noc difcemit,& catch it with irnowitodfe ofhis