Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

" HEAVEN B VPON EARTH= OR, Of true Peace of Mind. S Ec T. I. C wife heathen, efpechllythofe ofthe Sto!call profdlion, I a HenI had lludioully read over the moral! writings of fome mull confeffe, I found a little envy and pity !hiving toge therwithinme. I envied nature in them,to fee her lo witty in devifiog fBch plaufible refuges for doubting and troubled minds: I pitied them, to feet ha! their carefull dilquifition oftrue reil, led them in the end but to meere unqui. etoelfe.Wherein me thought, they were as Hounds fwift of foot, but not exquifite in feur, which in an hally purfuit take a wrong way1fpending their mouthes,and courfes in vaine.Their praife ofghcf ling wittily they lh11l not k<fe,thdr hopes both they loll, and whofoever followes them.lf Stnu• could have had grace to his wit, what wonders would he have done D in this kindnvhar Divinemiglotnot have yeelded him the chair for precepts ofTranqaillitywithout any difparagement~ As he was,this he harhgained: Never any Heathen wrote more divinely:never any Philofopher more probably. Neither would I ever defire better Maller, ifto rhis purpofel needed noother Miflris thenNature. But this in rrurh is atask,whichNarure bath never without prefumption undertaken, and never performed without much imperfetlion.Like to thofe vaine and wandring Empirickes, which in tables and pitlures make great oflentarion of Cures , never approving theirskill to their credulous Patients. And iflhe could have truly dfetled ir alone, I know not what employment in this life lhe lhould have left for grace to bufie her fdfe about,nor what privilege it lhould have been Here below to be aChri - llian,fince this that we fe<k is the noblell workofthe foul, & in which alone conlills E the only heaven of this world;this is the fum of all humane dclircs: which when we haveattained, thenonly we begin to live, and are furc we cannot thence-forth live milcrably.No marvell then if all the Heathen have diligently fought afcer it, many wrote ofit, none attained ir.Not Athens mull reach this leffon,but Ier•falem. SECT. II. YEt fometbinggracefcornetb notto learnofNarure,as c.M•fis may take good counfell ofa <.Midi•nitt. Nature bath ever had more skilll m theend, then in the way toit; and whether lhe have difcourfed of the good ellate of the minde,which we callTr•wq,.;O;ty,or the bell,which is happiocffe,harh more happily G gh.effed C(nfureof PbUofopbers, \Vh.uTu n.. quilliryir, ~d whercmir con~ fi(h.