He.c"'m upon Earth. A aredcftis'd toward death as tbeir end,be fo painfull,wb.cmull the end& perfection ofdifeafcs be~ Since as difcafes arc the maladies ofthe body, fodeath 1> the mabdy ofdifeafes. There are that feare not fo much tO die,as to be dead. If the pang be bitter, yet it is but fuort: the comfortldfellate ofthe dead !hikes fome that could well refolve for the act of their patfage. Not the worll ofthe Heathen Empcrours, made that moanfull dittie on his death-bed, wher<in he bewraycth (eo all memory)much feding pittie of his foule, for her doubtfull and impotent condition after her panu.re. Howdoth Pl•t•J world ling bewail rhe miferyofthcgrave,befidcs all refpeClofpa•floi WDt ••~, that Ijh11lilit altnt r111ing i11 the_ fil:nt t4rtl~j'IIIDngfl tht "awlmg JPorw:u, not fiting IHght •h•ve, Nil(""'· Very nm.bem~lS fuffictently abhorred ofnature, 1fdeath had no more to make it fearefull. Buttholethat have lived under hght cnougb, ro fhew them the sates ofhell, after their paffage thOtoW the gates o~'deatb, (and ~8VC B learned, that death is notonly homble for our not. bemghere,bur forbemg.mfinnly, eternally miferable in a future world, nor fo much for .the dtffolutJon ofhfe, as.' he beginning oftormcnt)thofe cannot, wtthout the ccrtam hoJ?eofthctr tmmunme, bur carnally feare to die, and hdlifuly fea:e to be dead: For tftt ~e fuch pain to dio, what is it to be ever dymg~and tfrhe flrammg and luxauon ofone )Oynt can fo aflltel us, what fhall the racking ofrhe wholobody, and the torturing of the ~oule, wbofc animation alone m•kes the bociy ro feele and compla!De offmart ~ And \f men have dcvifed fuch exquifite torments, what can fpirits, more fubtile, more malicious~ And ifour momentany futferings feomc long, how long fhall that be that is ctcrn:Ul! And ifthe forrowcs indifferently incident ro Gods doare ones upon earth, be fo extreme, as fomctimes to drive themwithin fight of defpairing,what !hall thofe be that are reC ferved only for thofe that hate him, and that he h:mth I None but thofe wbo have heard the defperate complaints offome guiltie Spyr.,or whofe foulcs have beena lit· tie fcorched wirh thcfe flames, canenough conceive of the horror of this cllare; it being the policy ofour common enemie to conccale ir fo long,tbor we may fee and fcelc it at once, !call we (hould fcareit,before it be too late robe avoided. SE CT.XVII. NOw wh•n this great Adverfary, like a proud Giant, comes !hikingout in his fearefull ihape, and infults over our fuile mortalitie, d•uing the world to match hitn with an equall Champion, while awhole hoft of worldlings fhew him their backes for feare, the true Chrillian (armed only with confidence and D refolurion ofhis future happineffe) dares boldly encounter him, and can wound him inthe forehead (the wonted feate ofterror}and trampling upon him, can cut ofFhis head with his owne fword,and viaoriouOy returning, can fing in triumph, o Jwk, """~ il '"'.fling! An happy victory!We die, and arc not foiled :yea,we are conque77 '.Q:nt?rt71x.ii- ~~~&o. Rrmeiy•ithe laA3ndgrcatti kcacll cl pcace,:ll'i'nt fre..c!cath. rous m dymg: we could notovercomedeath, ifwe died not. That diffolution is well bellowed,that parts the foulc from the body,that ir may unite both to God. All our hie here (as that heavenly Doetor well tearmcs it)is but a vitall death. He\>' advan- _, >f1iw tagious is that death that dtrerminesthis ~alfe and dying life, and begins a rrue one, ·~ · above all the utlos ofhappmeffe ! The Eptcure or Sadduce dare not die for fearc of not being.The guiltie and l~ofe worldlin~ dares not dio, for feore ofbci;g rniferable. The dtfirullfull and doubtmg (emt.Chnfitan dares not die becaufe he knowes not whether he !lull be, or miferable,or nor be at all. The ref~lved Chtlllan dares and l! would die, becauf~ he knowes hefuall be happy; and looking merrily towards heaven (the place oflus reil) can unfamedly fay, I defire ro be diffolved: I fee thee, my home, I fee thee, (a _fwe~t and glonous home, after a weary pilgrimage) I fee rhee; & nowafrer mJOy hngnng hopes,! afpire to thee.How oft have I looked up at thee· 1 with admiration ond ravifhmenc of foule! and by the goodly beames that I hay~ feene,gheffed at the glory that is above tbem!Howoft have I fcorned thofe dead and I unploafant pleafures ofc:nrh,in comparifon of thine ! I ~ome now,my j~y~s, 1 come ro po~e!fe you: I come threugh pame and death.; yea tfhell it fclfe \Yete 10 ~he way betwtxt you and me, I would patfethorow bdl1t felfeto enjoy you. And (m truth 1 H3 if