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78 Hea'llehupon Earth. TMI.TIIj'itJL ifthat Heathen C/eom6rotm(a follower ofthe ancient Academie) but upon only read- A c~,b. ElifliVII· ing ofhis Mafior P/~toes difcourfesofthe immo.rcalitie of the foule, could call down himfelfe head-long from an high rocke,and wilfully broake his necke,that he might be polfdfed ofthat immortality which he beloevod to follow upondeath ; how conA•J.M/1- den,.- tented lhould they be to die, that kr,ow they fl1all be(more theo immortall)glorious( Hewent, not in an hate ofthe flelh, as the Patrjcian Horetikos ofold; but in a blind rtf. love to his foule, out ofbare opinion: We, upon an holy lovegrounded upon alfured knowledge. He, upon an opinion offuture life :we on knowledge offuture glory. Howent,unfeot for;we,called forbyourMaker .Why lhould his courageexceed ours, finceour ground,our ellatefo far exceeds his (Even this ago within the reach ofour memorie,bred that peremptoryll•lian,which in imitation oftheoldRoman courage (left, in that degeneratodNation,there lhould be noftep leftofthe qualities oftheir Ancefi~rs) emring upon his torment for killing a Tyrant, cheered himfdfe with B Mnsactr(u, this confidence; My death is !harp: my fame fuall be everlafting. The voice ofa FfiiTMpel'!tlNit, Romane, not ofaChriftian. My fame fl1all be eternall: in idlecomfort. My fJme lhalllive; not myfoulo live to fee it. What ilia!! itavailetheeto betalkt of, while thou art not (Then fame on~ is precious,when a man lives to enjoy it.The fame that furvives the foule, is bootle e. Yet even this hope cheered himagainft the violence ofhis death. What{hould it doe us, that (not our f.rme, but) our life, our gloryafter death,cannotdie(He that bath Sttpbtm eyes to lookeioto heavon,cannotbuthave the tongue ofthe Saints, C1mt Lml: Ho"' long? That man, feeing the glory ofthe end, cannot but contemn the hardJteffe oftheway. But who wants thofe eyes, ifhe fay and fweares that he fearesnotdeath,beleove him not: ifhee protcll his T,.nquilitie, and yetfearedeath, belecve him not: beleeve him not, if he faybois notmiferable. c SECT. XVII I. The fccond THefeare enemies on the left band. There want not !Omeon the right, which rankeofthe withlelfe profeffion of hoftility, hurtnokffe. Notfoeafilyporceivod,bocncmiuof caufe they difiemper the mind, not without fame kind ofpleafure. Surfer pc~cc. kils more then famine. Thefe are the over-dtfiring and •vtr.joying ofthefe earthly Hippff.Atb,, things. All immoderations are enemies, as to health, fa to peace. He that defiros, wants as much, as he that bath nothing. The drunken man is as thirfty as the fwea. tin~ trauellc:r. Hence areth~ ll:~dies, cares,_fearcs, jtloufies, hopes, griefes, en~ies, wi es, (.'atformes of atchtevmg, alterattons of purpofes, and a thoufand hke; whereo oachoneisenough to make the lifetroublefome. Ondslickofhisneigh. D hours field, whofe mif·lhapen angles disfigure his, and hinder his Lordlhipofentirenelfe:what he hath, is not regarded, for the want ofwhat he cannot have. Another feeds on crufts, topurchafe whathe mull leave(perhaps)toa foole, or, (which is not much berter) to a prodigall heire. Anoth<r, in the extremity of covetous folly, chufes to die an unpitied death; hanging himfelfe for the fall of the market, while the commons laugh at that lolfe,andin thdr fpeeches Epitaph upon him, as on that Pope,Htlivtd AJAJ••ifi, ~~t~d ditd "'a Dog. One cares not what attendance he dances all houres, on whofe ftairs he fits, what vices he foothes, what deformities he imitates,what fervile offices he doth, in an hope to rife. Another fiomacksthe covered head and lliffe knee of his inferiour; angry that other mon think him not fa good as he thinks himfelfe. Another eats his own heart, with envy at the Thefidlremc• richer furniture, and better eftate, or more honour of his neighbour; thinking his E dy o£ ~n over~ owne not good,becaufe another bath becter.Another vexoth himfelfe with aword profpcrous of di(grace, pall from the mouth of an enemie, which he neither can digefi, nor dbtc. The vanny & caft up; refolving becaufeanother will be hisenemie, to be his owne. Thefe buIUlpt"OfitabJc~ mours are as maqifold,as there aremen rhat feemo profperous. For the ovoiding of "dfe of richcs. The fi rficn~- all which ridiculous, and yet fpightfull inconveniences, the mind muft be feded ! myon<h<ngh< in a perfwaUon ofthe worthlefnelfeofthefe outward things. Let it know, that thefo h:1nd. riches havemade many prouder, none better: That, as neverman was, fa neuer wife