Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

Heawn upon Earth. A wife man thou~ht himfdfe better for enjoying them. Would thatwife Philofopher 5 " " "'· have call: his gold into the S.a,if he h~d not knowne h~ lhould hve more h'ppily without it~ If he knew not the ufe ofnches, hewasnow1feman: 1fhe knewnot the A_pmof"<. •h" . Ph"l r h b 1 f 1 . 0 1 wuhChntlu>u bell way ro qmernc:s,he was no 1 010p er:nm~ even y t lC voyce _o t 1e1r rac e, defcrvcs no bee was confeffed to be both; yet call: away h1s gold, that he m>ght be happy•. cr«li•, bu• Would rhat wifeProphet have prayedas well againil ric~es, as povertY. -: Wou~d ~o ~~:,!;;~~~~-s many great men(whereofour little !land bath yeelded mnecrowned Kmgs while >t was held ofold by the S•x•ns)afterthey had continued thdr life in the Throne, have ended it in theCell and changed there Scepter for a Book<, 1f they could have found as mucll felicirie in the highell: dhte, as fecuritie in the lowefl ~I heare Ptttr and !Dhn (theddell: anddearell: Apollles) fay, Gold and lilver have I none: I heare the Devill fay, All thefc will I give thee; and they are mine, to give; Whether B fl 1all 1 delire to be in the ll:ate ofthefe Saints, or that devil!?He was therefore a better husband then a Philofopher, that lirll: termed riches Goods : and he mended the ritle well, that(adding a lit Epithet)called t~em goods of Flrltmt; fal[e goods afcribed to afalfe patron. There is no fortune, to g>ve orglllde nches. there 1s no true goodnelfe io riches to be guided. His meaning then was(as I can interpret it) to teach us, in this title; that it is a chance, ifeYerriches were good to any. In fumme, who would account thofe as riches, or thofe riches3s goods, which hurt the owner, difqui.r others~ which the worll: have; which the bell: have not,whichthofe that have not, want oot; which thofe want that have them: which are lofl in a night 1 and a man is not worfo,when he bath loll: them~ It is trueofthem, that we fay oflire and water; They are good fervants,ill mafters. Make them thy flaves, they ilia!! begoods indeed :in vfe, ifnot in nature ;good to thy felfe, good to others !>y thee: But ifthey C be thy mall:ers, thou hall: condomned thy felfe to thine owne gallies. Ifa fervam rule, he proves a Tyrant. What madnelfe is this nhou hall: made thy felfe, at once a fla~e and a fool<. What if thychaines be of Gold~ or if, with Htliog•h•ltt<, thou lull: made thee lilken halters~ thy fervitude may beglorious :iris no lelfe miferable. SECT. XIX. HOnour,perhaps, is y<t better;fuch isthe confufed opinion ofthofethat know little: but adill:inchnd curioushead flralllinde an hard taske, to define 'n what poimthegoodneffethereofconlill:eth. Is it in high difcem ofbloud~ I would think fo, ifnature were tied by any law to produce children like qualitied to their porents. But, although in the bruit creatures lhe be ever thus regular, that ye D /hall never find a young P1ge9n hatched in an Eagks nell:; neither can I think that true~or (if true, it was monll:rous) tha~ Ni&ippm his lheepe lh_ould yeane a Lyon: yet m the belt. creature (wh1ch bath h1s for~e, and her attendmg qualities from ab?ve) w1th a hkeneffe of face and features, rs commonly found an unlikenelfe of d1fpoliuon: only the earthly part followes the feed; wifdome valour verrue are ofanother beginning.Shall I bow to a moken Calfe,becaufe ir'was made ofgolden care-rings~ Shall I condemneall honour ?f the lirll: head (though upon never fo no. ble defervmg) becaufe 11 can /hew nothrng before 1t felle, but a while lhield ~ If C-faror Agathoclu,be a potters fonne, fl1all Icontemne him~ Or ifwife Bi•n be the fonne of an i~famous Curtizan, /hall the cenforious Lawyer raze him out ofthe Caralog11e, wuh P•rtmJtq•tt•rventrtm? Lall:ly, /hall I account that good which is incident to the worll: ~Either therefore greatnelfe mull: f11e.v fome Charte; wherE in it is priviled!led with fucceflion of venue; or elfe the goodneffe of honour ' cannot con~(\ m bloud. Is i; then in the admiration and high opinion that others 1 have conwved of thee, wh1ch drawes alldutifull refpeCl,and humble offices from them, to thee ? 0 fickle good, that is ever in the keeping ofothers ! efpecially ofthe unflable vulgar, that beall: of many heads: whofe divided ton~;~ues as they never 1 agree with each othe~ ;_fo fddome (when ever) agree long wuh themfelves. Doe we not fee the fuperflmous Lijlrtans, that ere-while would needs make Pa•la God againll: his will; and in devout zeale, drew crowned bulls to the Altars oftheir ne,; . !Npi ttr The IC'C!Ond C'nC'myon th.: rl~:;l. t band ) Honour..