Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 51 a longe time in the scoule of affliction, wheare I desire not to be wary of the correction of my heauenly father, but to learne obedi- ence vnder it. Heare inclosed I haue sent you some foren awes, being still desireous to haue your minde keep awake in the consideration of the affairs abroode. I thanke you for the kings booke. My deare Ned, I comfort meself with the perswation that your cheefe care is to walke before your God in all well pleasinge, and not to deuide His saruis, and so to make a religion to your self, that is, to take so much of Gods saruis as you pleas, and to leaufe the rest, as most men doo ; but tho they may passify theare conciences for a time, yet in the end theare comforts will faille theim; which I hope yours will neuer. I pray God blles you, and presarue you from all euill; so in hast I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. I reseued the note by Jones, and thanke you for it. May 7. 1639. XL. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned-This mornig, with no smale contentment, I reseued your letter by the carrier; it is my joy that you are well, and I béceach the Lord to continue your health to you; and, my deare Ned, be carefull to doo exersis. I did beleue that you did forget to send the letter which you rwite me word of, but now I haue re- seued it, and thanke you for it. It is strang to me how fasting and prayer can agree with treacherous weapons, as kinifes and such like; thearefore, for my part, I will vnbeleeue the one of them, eather that they doo not fast and pray, or that they doo not make prouition of such wepons. Theare was a report that the kinge was goone to Loundoun, which came to his eare, at which he was much dis- pleased. I hard that marquise Hamlenton was gone with 7000 men to land them in Scotland. Captaine Brandsheave is gouerner