Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

58 LETTERS OF THE [1639. him you are both gillteless. My deare Ned, the Lord blles you, and giue me the comfort of seeing you againe. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. In hast. June 21, 1639. Doo with the testament I game you as you pleas, and if Asch send one to me for you, it shall be sent you. Remember my saruis to your tutor. Your brother has sent you your bookes by this carrier. XLIV. To her son Edward.-Endorsed, "For your dear self." Deare Ned -I rwite to you this day, before this, but this night at supper reseaufeing so good nwes of peace, I could not willingly stay tell the next weake before I did impart it to you. This night Tomas Miller came from Loundon, wheare vnexpectedely he founde my lord nwely come to Loundoun from Ireland; his letter to me I send you heare inclosed, and what he rwites to your father, I will relate you as pountually as my memory will giue me leaufe. It is thus, the Scots armey was intrenched within 4 or 6 miles of the kings : they sent comissinars to the kinge, to let the kinge knowe theare griuences, for whous safety they had the lord jeneralls hand ; when they weare in his tente treateing with him, the kinge came in vnexpected ; the commiscinars offred to kise his hand, which the kinge refused, but affterwards they did. They haue agreed vpon such condistions which is much to the kings honnor ; they are to liane a jenerall assembely and a parlament, and bischops ; but the bischops must be subect to the assembely and parlament. The armemy in Scotland is vnintrenched ; and thus we see a way by which God is pleased to lentghen our peace; for which I pray God, make us