Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 63 some haue need of a nurs or a giude, call themwhat you pleas. This incke is so bade, that I haue thought I haue had much patience to rwit so large a letter, and you must haue some to reade it. My deare Ned, the Lord in mercy blles you, and keepe you safe vnder the shawedow of His most holy Prouidence ; so I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton, July 13, 1639. Deare Ned, remember my loue to good and worthy Mr Pirkins. XLVIII. To her son Edward.-Endorsed, " For your deare self." My deare Ned-Your letter this weake by the carrier I reseued yesterday, andyou maybeleeue it was wellcome to me, that reioyces in your being well. I am glad you past all the biusnes of the Act so well, and now Ibeleeue Oxford is in a calme againe. My deare Ned, I llonge to see you, and tliearefore your father has sent horsess for you, which I hope will be with you at the time your tutor desires they should, or ells I mistake your letter. I. hope your tutor will come with you ; you say he will, but by his letter to me I doute it, for he speakes of some thinge that he will send by you. Upon your word your father has sent a hors for him, and if he come he shall be very wellcome ; if he weare only your tutor he should be welcome, but being so good a man, and loueing you and vseing you so kindely as you assure me he dous, I cannot but loue and respect him ; and that I cannot doo every one. My deare Ned, I reioyce with you, and blles my God with you, that you are with one that shuts with your dispocion, for I thinke to Hue with a sower nature is a greater paine then to be feed allways with sower and bitter meate, and to have the smoke in ons eyes ; for my part, I loue no swernes, and I hope you are of my minde in that; yet it has bine my lot to meete with some of that dispotion. On munday Mr. Braughton was with me; but his discours was