Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

64 LETTERS OF THE [1639. as short as your letter; yet I thanke you for it; tho it weare short, yet it found a very weilcome. On tusday your father went to Loudlow, from whence he brought home with him Sr Ihon Kirle, Mr. Vahan, and Mr. Scidmore; it fell out to be at such a time when I was inforsed to keepe my beed, which I did from tusday tell this day, and now I thank God, I am vp again. Your father purposess to goo on munday to Mrs Bram- ley, and to come home on tusday, and the weake affter is the assises. My lord schef barron goos no more this sirquite. Your tutor rwit to me to speake to your father, that £10 might be sent to him for your vse, which your father has donne. Remember my lone to your worthy tutor, and tell him I thanke him for his letter, and I doo not rwite to him, becaus I hope to see him at Brolnton. My deare Ned, the Lord in mercy blles you, and giude you in your journy and giue me a comfortabell seeing of you. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton, July 20, 1639. I hope to tell you my minde about your brothers. I pray God the nwes you rwit me to true. My lord is at the bathe with my lord of Northumland. XLIX. For my deare sonne Mr Edward Harley. Deare Ned-My cosen Adams returne from Woster was very wellcome to me, becaus he aschured me of your comeing well so fare on your journy, and I trust the same gratious Prouidence brought you to your journis end. Your letter was veryweilcome to me, for, my deare Ned, I cannot but say that I inioy meself with more com- fort when you are with me, and next seeing you, to heare from you is most pleasing to me. Hoare has bine strangers euer since you went, and on Mr Acton came apurpos to see you. He was of the same howes you are of, but left it that yeare you came theather. I