Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

68 LETTERS OF THE [1639. The greife of it has allmost killed my good cosen Dauis ; on saboth day last her husband thought she had bine dead. I hard from your ante Pelham the last weake ; they are all well. The Lord blles you. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Oct. 30, 1639. Bromton. I should be glad to heare whether Bleethly be fallty or no. L1I. For my deare sonne W Edward Harley. Deare Ned-Sr Richard Newport is pleased to doo me the honnor to conuaie this letter to you, and Ihope you will haue the aduantag of waiteing vpon him ; and I can not but acounte it an aduantage to be in the presence of such a man. I pray God blles you, and giue you a hart to be in lone with thos ways of wisdome, which will make you for euer happy. Your brothers and sisters are well. So in hast I rest Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Oct. 31, 1639. Bromton Castell. L1II. For my deare sonne Mr Edward Harley, in Magdeline Hall, in Oxford.-Endorsed, /° For your deare self." Deare Ned -It is my ioy that you are well, and I blles my God that you haue had your health, which I was aschured of this day by your letter, which is wellcome to me. That the appells came well to your hand I am well pleased, and I hope you haue made vse of them for your descert in your chamber. What I have hard of the fight with the greate dons, I haue sent