Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 69 you heare inclosed; and if the venter of the Corrantes be in prison, then take your leaufe of them in theas, which I now send you. My deare Ned, keep my wacth tell you haue a shure hand, and if it like you, I beleeue it will not dislike me, for seldome your fancy differs from what I like; and thearefore besides my owne content I mis you, for when I cannot see what is doun, I rested content when you toold me of the things, I desired to be satisfyed in. Mr. Braughtone was with me this day and tells me of his inten- tion to goo to Oxford, but he was in hast, so that I could not rwit by him, nor send you the mony to pay for my wacth, which I did desire to doo, but by the next I purpos to send it. I hope your father is well ; he went yesterday to Sr Richard Nweports, whoo intends to goo to Loundon this weake or the next, and in his returne from Loundon he purposes, as he rwit to your father, to see you in Oxford. I haue not hard of anny yet to supply Mr Simons place in teache- ing scoule. I am halfe of an opinion to put your brothers out to scoule. They continue still stife in theare opinions ; and in my apre- hention vpon samale ground. My feare is least we should falle into the same error as Calluin did, whoo was so ernest in oposeing the popisch hollydays that he intrenched vpon the holy Saboth, so I feare we shall be so ernest in beateing downe theare to muchvillifye- ing of the Common Prayer Booke, that we shall say more for it than euer we intended. My deare Ned, keepe allways a wacth over your preceous soule; tye yourself to a dayly self exemnation ; thinke ouer the company you haue bine in, and what your discours was, and how you found yourself affected, how in the discourses of religion ; obsarue what knowledg you weare abell to expres, and with what affection to it, and wheare you finde yourself to come short, labor to repaire that want ; if it be in knowledg of any point, reade somethinge that may informe you in what you finde you know not ; if the falt be in affec- tions, that you find a wearines in that discours of religion, goo to God, begg of Him nwe affections to loue those things which by