Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 71 beleeue, has bine with you. I should haue bine glad to have rwit by him, but his stay was short. He was resouleued to make peace betwne your tutor and Mr Taylor; tho thos that know not Mr Braughton say he is a man that loues quarelling, but I finde him to be no such man. Your father, I thank God, is well ; he came home on saterday last, so that he did not resoulfe of sending vp any to Loundon tell this morning. My deare Ned, I longe to heare from you, and I can not but let you know your letters are most welicome to me. My deare Ned, I dout not but that you are deligent in the way in which you are to store yourself with knowledg, for this is your haruest in which you must gather the fruts which beare; affter you may bring out to your owne and others profete. It is a sorrowfull repentance to repent for the loos of that which we can not recall ; which many men doo in sorroweing over theare loost time. But aboue all, my deare Ned, keepe your hart does with your God; O let it be your resolution and practice in your life, rather to dye than sinn against your gratious and holy God. We haue so gratious a God, that nothing can put a distance betwne Him and our soules, but sinn; wacth thearefore against that enimy. Heare inclosed I haue sent you 33 shilings to pay for the dooing of my wacth. I beleeue you will send it me by the next shure hand. I thanke God this day I haue bine out of my chamber at diner, and am indeferent well. Your brothers and sisters are well. I should be very glad to heare of a scone master. Be carefull of your self, and the Lord blles you, that you may be still a comfort to Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Noue: 4, 1639. Bromton Castell. Remember my lone to your worthy tutor.