Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 73 I thanke God your father is well ; it may be he will rwite you himself. I beceech the Lord to blles you and fill you with His gras, which is only the true riches. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton Caste11, Noue. 8, 1639. Remember my lone to your worthy tutor. LVI. For my deare sonne M' Edward Harley, in Magdelin Hall, Oxford. Deare Ned -I did hope I should haue had this weake a fitte oper- tunity to rwite to you by a speciall mesenger, but some ocations put by your fathers intention to send to Loundón and so to Oxford. This day I reseued your letter by the carrier, and on fryeday last I reseued your letter by Hall, which, tho it weare short, yet it a longe wellcome. I thanke God that you haue health, and the Lord in mercy continue it to you and make you growe in all grase, and especially in thos which may make you like to your Sauiour, that you may lone righteousness and hate sinne. My deare Ned, that it has pleased the Lord to imbitter my life with many sorrowes (yet I must say it has bine in mercy and not acording to my desert) has bine caused by my owne shines, which has bine the wormwood of my life ; and I must say, sweet are my afflictions, if they haue and doo make me finde the bitternes of sinn. My deare Ned, I hope before longe to haue the comfort of seeing you, which I beg of the Lord. I hard from London, from my Lord, that theare is a nwe committy made for the Scote biusnes, but they treate vpon foren afaires. My lord of Holland and my lord admaral are left out with secretary Cooke. My brother goot your father of from beeing sheerife, for which I thanke God. I thanke God your father is well, but I haue not bine well this CAMD. SOC. L