Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

74 LETTERS OF THE [1639. therte days, being as I use to be, thearefore I cannot rwit so much as I thought to haue doune ; tho I rest Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton Castell, Noue. 22, 1639. Remember me to your worthy tutor, to home I would haue rwit, but that I am not very well. LVII. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned-This bearor stayeing on day longer then I thought he should, which giues me time to rwite theas feawe lines with my owne hand. I haue not bine out of my beed sence saterday, and you may remember howe ill I am when I first doo rise. I beleeue you will pray to the Lord for me; and I hope the Lord will giue me patience to waite in faith for His goodnes to me; for I trust the Lord will deale gratiously with me : and, my deare Ned, I had rather haue the hope of being the Lordes and same Him, tho in such a weake and afflicted condistion, then to inioye health and pleashurs and obey my owne harts lusts. O ! sweet is the saruis of our God, that giues sweetness in the midest of bitterness. My deare Ned, it is an ease to me to tell you how I doo ; it is a thinge I cannot doo to euery one : but, my deare Ned, as I haue had comfort in you, so I hope the Lord will still giue me comfort in you. I much desire to heare of .a good scoulemaster, thearefore, my deare Ned, put your tutor in minde to doo his best for one. Yow know how Mr Simons was before he was maryed, and so may he be, if he be one that is not maried. Mr Simons packes vp his goods apase and sends them away. Mr Cradock is goon from Clanuer, he was sited and would not apeare. I mistooke in rwiteing you word, it was my lord admarall that was left out of the committy, it is my lord of Arnendell. The Lord blles you andgiue us a happy seeing on another. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Noce. 25, 1639. Brandon Castell.