1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 75 LVIII. For my deare sonne M' Edward Harley, in Magdeline Hall, Oxford Deare Ned-With much contentment I bane reseued this weakes letter from you. I acknowledg the Lords mercy to me in the con- tinuance of your health, which is a joy to me in the midest of many ocations of sorrow ; and I beceach the Lord I may still 'haue that refreschment to see it goo well with you, and to see it best with your better part, so that you may euery day more and more aproufe yourself, not only a branch but a member of Christ. I much reioyce in the hope of seeing you, but I trust I shall haue more joy in seeing yòu. I am glad your worthy tutor will come with you, by which I see, he is not an obstinate man. A pare of rideing stokens I haue prouided for you, which I purpos, if pleas God, to send you by the horses that shall be sent for you; and knoweing your tutors minde for a hors and saddell, I will endeuor to haue him fitted, that tho the ways may be fooule yet his seate may be eassy. I rwit you word that my lord admarall was spoken to, but that would not doo, but it was my lord depuety of Irland that preuailed to geet your father off from being sherefe. Thinges goo wors in Scotland then euer they did, and it is said theare will be wars ; for my part I did allways doute that that buisnes would not so end as many others thought ; neaither am I now of theare mindes, that that kingdome will eassely be subdued. The Lord in mercy inabell all His childeren to fixe theare eyes on Him, that so, trusting in the Lord, we may neuer be dismayed. It is thought that such a number of Scote minesters will not be suffred to goo out of Scotland. The prince elector is put in prison in France; into the same prison wheare print Casemere is, and Jhon de Wart. It is thought the prince elector will not be seet at liberty ; it was fitte he should goo vnknowne; he did disguise himself, but went with such a traine that he could not but be inquired affter. Thus we see, my deare